In the Christmas Spirit...

Kinda sorta. We finally started our Christmas shopping today. Chase has been purchased for, and we have started on Cam, Rick, and Daddy. Cappy will be finished after we order his new leash. We still have a lot of stuff to figure out. Hell, chad and I don't even know what we want!!!
Yesterday I received a text message from my coworker Tracey. Apparently her daughter now has RAV, so that means she won't be in tomorrow. I decided In order to make it less stressful on myself (and Carlos) that I would go into work and Attempt to reschedule her patients. I texted Todd, our director, first to make sure I was allowed to do so. He replied with a lovely message about how he wouldn't ask me to do that, but If I wanted to it was ok with him.
So, chad and I headed to Pearland. He watches TV while I made phone calls and tries to reschedule. Thankfully, I was able to leave messages for everybody. Hopefully that will make tomorrow make tomorrow a little less stressful.
Before we came back home, we ran by the Pearland Center Court to check it out (ours is WAY better) and stopped by Sam's club. As usual, we bought more than anticipated. :-)
We decided to go to Perry's Steakhouse last night for dinner, and unfortunately that was followed by major heartburn. It was just like it was back in the day - heartburn so bad that I dry-heave. Ugh. Pretty certain I'll be speaking with Dr Vanderzyl about it - it was horrible.
Today we lounged around in bed for awhile before getting ready to run errands. We decided to drive through the neighborhood and Riverstone before going to Target.
We picked up everything we needed and then some. We finally broke down and bought some new sheets, and they feel amazing.
Chad was given five pounds of fresh pecans from one of his workers, so I cracked them and made cinnamon pecans. Holy hell, are they amazing. Dinner was a carbonara pork loin, which was pretty delicious too. Unfortunately there was as much 'icky' meat as there was edible meat. We have some leftovers for lunch tomorrow which I am looking forward to.
Today we also made a huge decision...
We decided that we are going to skip IUI entirely and go directly to IVF. We are going to take a month off and start the Ivf the end of January. I'm nervous, but after the horrendous hot flashes I've had recently, I'm looking forward to getting off these drugs.
Other than that, it was a pretty laid back weekend. I'm nervous about what the future holds, but I'm trying to be optimistic.


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