Hopes and Dreams for 2013

In five hours and 21 minutes it will be 2013, and it's hard to believe that yet another year has come and gone.  It really seems like just yesterday we were getting married and moving to Texas.
As you well know, 2012 wasn't the best year for us.  I'm really hoping that 2013 is a much better year, not only for myself but for my friends as well...

So, what is it I'd like to see in 2013?!?!?

1.  The obvious...a new addition (or two!) to our family.
2.  This is pretty simple, but related to #1 - to quit feeling like crap!
3.  For Chad and I both to make better choices.
4.  Health for our family and friends.
5.  Greater financial security.
6.  More than just one trip to Disney World!
7.  More time to spend with Chad - I'm greedy and don't care to share!
8.  A better idea in regards to the pool situation.
9. A home phone (now that we have one) that doesn't ring incessantly.
10.  A new bedroom suite and mattress.  (I know, materialistic!)
11. A more normal working schedule. (A girl can dream, right?!)
12.  My brother to come visit us.

There are just so many things I want, but some of it isn't realistic.  I'm thankful for everything I have in my life but, like most people, always want more.  The most important thing is #1.   My biggest fear with the IVF route is that we will spend the money and it doesn't work.  I really don't think I'm strong enough for that.
I'm tired of feeling like I'm falling apart at the seams.  I just want one thing to go my way.  I wAnt my body to do what it should be able to do, without help.  (I'd also like to add in here that nobody in my family has EVER had issues getting pregnant.). Life just isn't fair.  

On a much happier note,  we are well on our way to a crate-free 2013.  Cappy has been accident free and on good behavior for two months now.  The crate has been collapsed and moved into the empty nursery that is waiting to be full.
There are days when you dread coming home because you're just not certain what you will find.  Your favorite pj pants with a hole eaten in the crotch?  Your favorite undies are now ripped.  The kitchen table is all messed up (which fur baby did it, I don't know.). The couch is covered with shredded napkins.
I know it's silly, it's just more of a mess for me to clean up when I get home.  But I wouldn't trade it for the world.  Willie (who is pretty innocent) and Cappy are two of the best things in my life.
Only time an issue will arise is when somebody named Cappy, punctures Willie's only eye.  That is just bad news!!!!


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