Can't stand it

I am not sure if I can stand the boredom...

I spent the morning cleaning out the freezer, fridge and pantry.  I've gotten the linen closet in the guest bath almost completely emptied.  I went through our linen closet and cabinets and disposed of items we no longer use.  I baked cookie bars from the items I found in the above-mentioned pantry.  I have unloaded and loaded the dishwasher.  I bleached a shirt and stripped the guest bed.  I made a checklist of random nooks & crannies in the apartment so we can check them off when they are completely packed and one for things to clean.  I made a to-do list on our dry-erase board.  I looked at comforters for the guest room online and made a list of ones that I like.  I have almost passed the point of no return...

I am so absolutely bored it's not funny.  Thankfully, Chad is on his way home.  We both need to go through our closets to pull out items that we don't plan on wearing or don't fit.  Scratch that, if I pull out clothes that don't fit I may not have any clothing left.  We have a handful of reservation confirmations and authorization forms we need to print out for our trip next weekend, and we need to make sure that we pack our annual passes.

It never ends, does it? 

Being a grown-up is very over-rated.


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