It's been a pretty uneventful week here, though we had some excitement in the apartment complex yesterday.
On Monday, I headed to the hospital and despite running late I made it there in record time - right around 10 minutes. I couldn't believe how lucky I was, until I realized that it was a holiday. So typical of me, but I guess that's what happens when the days run together. I took care of Karen and Peggy's patients before checking out for the day. I came home and took a nap before getting dinner ready. Obviously, it was a pretty boring day. Tuesday brought with it an air quality warning, so I spent all day inside. It was quite possibly one of the longest days of my life.
Thankfully, Wednesday was a hospital day so I had something to look forward to. I woke up in a strange mood and was really missing Illinois and my family. After arriving at the hospital I headed to Guest Relations to check-in, but I found out they had no work for me. Apparently, they didn't think that I would be there since Karen was off and gave all of the work to Opal, another volunteer. Ugh! What's a girl to do?! I was a little upset, and felt like I was wasting my time as well as theirs. It was such a slow day that they didn't even have any filing for me to do. So, I ran upstairs to check on a patient and then left.
On my way home, I decided to run by the house to see if anything on the exterior had changed. I was so excited when I saw that our front door was up and the blinds had been hung. I think part of my curiosity had to do with the guest bathroom and poopy floor, so I went in. All of the paper had been taken off of the floor and the house had been cleaned. The bathroom was clean and not smelly, though I did see a little bit of brown under the stool. It appears that there are only a few more things to be done, so we're very excited as to what we will see this weekend. Chad even got an email from the mortgage company saying they were ready to finalize our loan, and we're hopeful that we can get a closing date set soon.
I really like the front door. |
Entry way |
Great Room/Kitchen |
French doors to the office |
Fireplace |
For the most part yesterday was a pretty boring day, too. I ran to the store for a few things and got the chocolate I was craving at Buc-ee's. I spent a great deal of time yesterday reading and even watching television. When Chad got home, he told me that there was a news van parked in his parking spot and they were interviewing the guy next door. I was very interested to see what was going on, though we didn't find out until this morning...
Apparently, around 5pm a guy in the building next to us (a doctor) was arrested for illegally prescribing controlled substances. I'm not one-hundred percent sure as to what happened but I cannot believe that I missed all of the action. It's always exciting here in Pearland....
I woke up early this morning and decided to start packing for the move. The second bedroom and bathroom should be the best place to start since neither one will be used in the next few weeks. I just hope that I have the self-discipline to keep on track!
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