Saturday, in the Park!

Well, not really. My Saturday consisted of a bit of errand-running and cleaning.  Jealous!?
It was a productive morning, though.  I cleaned the house from top to bottom and it looked pretty damn good.  I also started some chili in the crockpot, which I was looking forward to.
I got a visit from my friend, Jen and her absolutely adorable 9 month old, Madison. I cannot believe that it's been 9 months already!  I was very pleased with Cappy's behavior with her - he was quite intrigued (not too much when she made baby screams though) and very polite.  He just wanted to love on her - and she seemed equally intrigued.  :-). Maybe there's hope for my monster yet!!! Since Jen had never been, but had seen my many posts about it, she wanted to try Center Court.  Of course, who was I to deny her?!
I had every intention of eating that wonderful smelling chili cooking in the crockpot, but my husband had other ideas.  He wanted Center court.  Since I was bored, I headed up there before he left the plant.  We had another lovely dinner at the bar and made a new friend, Rene, the "Mexican Mullet.". (his words, not ours). He was a riot!  Oh, iPad man showed up too, which made for some interesting conversation with our new friend. :-). After Jake found out that Friday 2/22 is our anniversary, he decided we needed a themed party- 80's night, here we come!!!
This morning I woke up quite disappointed.  The chili I had in the crockpot had a bag of tortilla chips in it, there were four bowls lined up on the counter, and there was a pizza box covered with chili.  Also, my clean kitchen wasn't clean any more.  I seriously could have punched Chad in the face.  Do you have any idea how excited I was about the chili?!  Sigh...
I ran to the store in hopes of making more chili.  Didn't work out quite as planned.

In other news, injections are getting much easier.  Especially if I "numb" the site with an ice pack while I'm preparing the medicine.  Whew!  So far, the only side effect I've had is headaches, which I'm willing to deal with if it gives us our sweet baby. :-)
I have an appointment tomorrow for another ultrasound and lab work, and I'm looking forward to seeing what my follicles look like after four days!!! :-)
I almost forget to mention what our new friend, Rene, did last night.  When he found out what we are doing (injections, fertility treatments), he had to do a special Mexican-Italian prayer.  (apparently he's both Mexican and Italian). He took my right hand in his, said a prayer, drew a cross on my hand and kissed it.  Told me we'd get that baby!  He is such a sweet man!


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