Another Day Older and Deeper in Debt

Today marks the last day of my 30th year.  Hard to believe that I am (almost) 31. It seems like just yesterday I was riding the bus to school, driving around in circles with Julie, going to college, and living with my parents...
Honestly, 30 wasn't as bad as I thought that it would be.  Unfortunately, however, 30 wasn't a good year by any stretch of the imagination.  
It started out good - I finally had a job and wasn't sitting around the house bored stiff anymore.  I would probably say it started going downhill in February.  Elijah got sick, Poppy passed away, we struggled with infertility, didn't get to go on any vacations...I could go on for quite awhile. (but I won't!!!)
There have been bright spots as well - my great coworkers, amazing patients who have become friends, new furniture, a sweet new car, and new friends.  I'm a pretty lucky girl.
So...what do I hope will happen in my 31st year?
1. Baby (or babies) Coffman (duh!)
2. New bedroom furniture
3. Getting rid of Cappy's crate forever
4. Going on vacation (Disney, of course)
5. Spending more time with Chad

Chad got home fairly early today, so my birthday weekend has already started.  He forwarded a message from me to his employees, telling them not call him tomorrow unless the plant was on fire or somebody was bleeding to death.  I'm sure there were quite a few chuckles about that!  We had steaks for dinner and made 'plans' for tomorrow - sleeping in, drinking coffee, going to the bookstore, going to the mall, an early dinner at Cheesecake Factory, and watching whatever movie I pick!!!  Needless to say, I'm pretty excited!
I'm really hoping the birthday card from my parents comes tomorrow  -  I got a very lovely card and generous gift from The Brinkman's, and a lovely card from my Father-in-Law in the mail today.  Thank you all for thinking of me!!!
Here's to my 31st year...Cheers!!!


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