2012 in Review
January 2012 -
After a stint at being a stay-at-home-wife, I started working for The Methodist Hospital. Little did I know what was in store for me: great coworkers, amazing patients (some that have become friends), and LONG hours. This is also the month we started "tracking" and really trying to get pregnant.
February 2012 -
We celebrated our first anniversary and started looking at "trading up" to a SUV. We also had some sad moments too, as Poppy (Chad's grandfather) passed away. His passing allowed us a trip home to Illinois, though it was a depressing end to the month. I was nervous taking the unexpected time off, seeing as I had only been employed with the hospital for a month. Luckily they were absolutely wonderful and very understanding.
March 2012 -
We started out the month returning from Illinois after laying Poppy to rest in Camp Butler. As depressing as it was, it was nice to be back at home with our family. Not too long after returning from Illinois, Chad turned 30, finally catching up with me! Chad continued to work long hours (as did I), but I got a week-long break mid month when my parents came to visit for a week. They were the first people to stay at our new home, and we were very excited to show it off! Of course, I cried hysterically when I dropped them off at the airport. The end of the month we had more company, as Chad's parents and Teapot came down for a visit.
April 2012 -
The Coffman/Barg clan left in early April and left our home quieter than it had been in awhile. We went back to our normal routine of working, eating, sleeping and repeating. Pretty boring. We continued to track everything in hopes of conceiving, with minimal hope. Towards the end of April we had a company function at a (dys)Astros game. That brought lots of alcoholic beverages and some crazyness.
May 2012 -
Super excited because my friend, Jen, who lives nearby had a baby girl. I got to see the cutie pie in person after my doctors appointment. This is when things got real. I went into the appointment because of an abnormally long (15 days) and heavy period. (Yuck!). Dr. Heaps checks me out and suggests that I had a miscarriage. I never knew I was pregnant, because my period actually came early. How depressing. He discovered that I had a luteal phase defect, so I need Progesterone supplementation for the second half of my cycle. He also ordered me to get a HSG done. (Double yuck!). I scheduled that appointment in June, and pretty much spent the rest of the month going through things in my head. As you can imagine, it was a blah month. (Oh, and on the very day I found out that I was suffering through a miscarriage,another one of my friends gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.) Sometimes life just isn't fair.
June 2012 -
First things first, I had my HSG. Not going to lie, it wasn't a pleasant experience. It was very awkward having an older guy
doing all these things and sticking all sorts of parts in my 'haha patch'. I survived though, and we just kept on moving. It was definitely uncomfortable and some of the positions they had me in made me even more uncomfortable. I had a horrible pain when they were trying to find my right (or was it left) Fallopian tube . Turns out that my tube was blocked shut from scar tissue from endometriosis. Thankfully, it eventually blew open from the dye! When we went back to see Dr heaps and to get the go-ahead for the Clomid, I suggested testing Chad's swimmers just to see how strong they really are. We ended the month on a high note (finally) when we bought my Acura MDX. Hey, Korean Jesus, take note! We bought a large family car so that our twins can fill it!
July 2012 -
We went on a road trip to Destin, Florida with the boys in my new car. Honestly, it wasn't the best road trip with he monsters. William had peed himself in his crate, but he desperately wanted out. So. I sat in the back where I could stay close to him. Thankfully I had a blanket that he could cuddle with . At one point he started getting very antsy, so I put him back in the crate. Then I smelled it. He pooped in his crate. He also discovered 'a whole new world' behind the chairs, and of course, William the cat is in the trunk space. Whatever. Chad stopped at a gas station and disposed of Williams Smelly crate. Which left us with a problem - how will we get him into the hotel? Thankfully Rick was waiting for us and we were all good. He took Cappy and I hand carried Willie. Rick and Chad unloaded the truck while I tried to calm the boys down. Almost immediately, Cappy peed on the side of the bed. Darn mutt. They did find a surprise when they were unloading my truck - apparently when Willie got loose, he took a crap in the back seat of my car. Yup, there goes my new car. For the most part, we enjoyed the trip. I wouldn't be against going back to Destin as I really enjoyed it there. Destin definitely caused quite a few arguements, but we are all still here.
Unfortunately, I got sick not too long after returning - I'm sure the stress didn't help me. I missed one day of work due to a bad sinus infection. Chad had to make his 'deposit' at the RE to test his quality out. We finally got a copy of his test results from Dr Heaps, who said that we could continue with clomid for 6 months, but after that we have to do IUI. Sigh...
August 2012 -
Chad had to go to New Orleans for a golf outing, so I prettied myself up for a girls night with my lovely friend, Suzanne. We had a great night dress shopping and a wonderful (and funny) dinner at Rouxpour. We also did a little laughing at some inside jokes that we have between us. I ordered a pizza for when chad would arrive home, and hoped that he was in good 'shape' after golfing all day long. I was ovulating and I needed him to be able to do his thing. Humph! That's all I have to say about that.
September 2012 -
A fairly stressful month for us both. Chad did get to go to Las Vegas for Chris's Bachelor party, and he came back sick. Go figure... I had my monthly appointment with Dr Heaps and it was determined that i had cysts. those cysts gave me a sonogram and almost took Clomid away from me. They had some major issues at the plant which causes Chad to work insane hours. The worst part is that it was when my mom was here visiting. We didnt get to take her out to dinner, but she was understanding. I had to pack up for my trip back to Illinois for multiple weddings. Throwing a cat and a dog in the mix makes it all the more confusing. We hit the road early and made great time. I'm very thankful that my Mom was able to help me on this trip. When we got to our room, mom found that her CPAP machine had quit working. That was no good for business. We attempted to sleep (not much luck), and got back on the road at 130 in the morning. I drove for 2-3 hours and switched with my mom - I was too darn tired. I got a little nap in, and then we switched again. We finally made it home around 1030. I never thought I'd be so happy to see Springfield! The next day was Lenny's wedding, which was beautiful. It was nice to see some familiar faces.
October 2012 -
October started out on a sour note. Since I was needing Clomid, I was going to see my old doctor in Illinois. Unfortunately, even though I told her nurse what I needed done, they did it the old 'screw you with love from the Springfield Clinic' way. Obviously, not what was needed. She told me that the sonogram showed that I did ovulate and that it looked like something may have implanted. Holy shit! I was super excited. That didn't last long, though. The next day Chase and I picked Chad up at the airport & headed back home. The next day, all the wedding craziness started. I was uncomfortable for a few reasons, because I've never really felt like I was accepted by Chad's family and the issues we had in Destin. I was totally stressed out by everything, but I made the most of it. Leaving illinois was hard for me, but I kept reminding myself that Christmas would be here before you know it...and I would be back in illinois. Of course, the doctors thought about possible implantation was completely wrong - I got my period the day before we left. Ugh
November 2012 -
At my first appointment this month, I shared everything from my appointment in Illinois with Dr Heaps. He seemed equally confused. Even more so when I told him about the $800 bill that accompanied it. So, we decided to increase my dosage of Clomid and try to hit a homerun. I had my first consult with the RE, who thinks I need to do IVF because of scar tissue from my endometriosis. I had actually seen Dr V four days prior to this appointment due to sinus pressure, and I hit a brick wall during this appointment. I seriously felt like crap. I spent the next 3-4 days in bed with pneumonia. It was pretty rough. The following week was Thanksgiving, and guess who got sick on Thanksgiving? Chad. Thank God for my Uncle Stu!!! The following weekend was the branch trip to San Antonio, which I had been looking forward to. Unfortunately, chad made the decision that we weren't going due to problems at the plant. That pretty much sucked, but I survived. I had my last appointment with Dr Heaps - and he put me on the max dose of Clomid. We were both crossing our fingers that I'd come back the following month with good news. Hmph!
December 2012 -
December started out pretty good, especially since we were going to be going home for Christmas. We celebrated my birthday for almost a full week, and I was Princess Diana all week long! I finally gave in and spent some time at Center Court's bar. I feel like such a rockstar here. I love almost everybody there! There is never a dull moment. Unfortunately, Chad had bad news to break to me ... Since everybody else was going out of town we had to stay here for Christmas. Seriously?! We are the only people from out of state, we told them how long ago that we were going back to illinois? I was, understandably, very upset. And then it hit me...we can start ivf sooner!!! Well, as you know, that idea went away. There's just too much going on in our lives right now. We had a boring, quiet Christmas and I'd say we all got spoiled. (Me more than others, of course!). I'm just looking forward to spending the rest of 2012 with my sweet boys and making more memories.
After a stint at being a stay-at-home-wife, I started working for The Methodist Hospital. Little did I know what was in store for me: great coworkers, amazing patients (some that have become friends), and LONG hours. This is also the month we started "tracking" and really trying to get pregnant.
February 2012 -
We celebrated our first anniversary and started looking at "trading up" to a SUV. We also had some sad moments too, as Poppy (Chad's grandfather) passed away. His passing allowed us a trip home to Illinois, though it was a depressing end to the month. I was nervous taking the unexpected time off, seeing as I had only been employed with the hospital for a month. Luckily they were absolutely wonderful and very understanding.
March 2012 -
We started out the month returning from Illinois after laying Poppy to rest in Camp Butler. As depressing as it was, it was nice to be back at home with our family. Not too long after returning from Illinois, Chad turned 30, finally catching up with me! Chad continued to work long hours (as did I), but I got a week-long break mid month when my parents came to visit for a week. They were the first people to stay at our new home, and we were very excited to show it off! Of course, I cried hysterically when I dropped them off at the airport. The end of the month we had more company, as Chad's parents and Teapot came down for a visit.
April 2012 -
The Coffman/Barg clan left in early April and left our home quieter than it had been in awhile. We went back to our normal routine of working, eating, sleeping and repeating. Pretty boring. We continued to track everything in hopes of conceiving, with minimal hope. Towards the end of April we had a company function at a (dys)Astros game. That brought lots of alcoholic beverages and some crazyness.
May 2012 -
Super excited because my friend, Jen, who lives nearby had a baby girl. I got to see the cutie pie in person after my doctors appointment. This is when things got real. I went into the appointment because of an abnormally long (15 days) and heavy period. (Yuck!). Dr. Heaps checks me out and suggests that I had a miscarriage. I never knew I was pregnant, because my period actually came early. How depressing. He discovered that I had a luteal phase defect, so I need Progesterone supplementation for the second half of my cycle. He also ordered me to get a HSG done. (Double yuck!). I scheduled that appointment in June, and pretty much spent the rest of the month going through things in my head. As you can imagine, it was a blah month. (Oh, and on the very day I found out that I was suffering through a miscarriage,another one of my friends gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.) Sometimes life just isn't fair.
June 2012 -
First things first, I had my HSG. Not going to lie, it wasn't a pleasant experience. It was very awkward having an older guy
doing all these things and sticking all sorts of parts in my 'haha patch'. I survived though, and we just kept on moving. It was definitely uncomfortable and some of the positions they had me in made me even more uncomfortable. I had a horrible pain when they were trying to find my right (or was it left) Fallopian tube . Turns out that my tube was blocked shut from scar tissue from endometriosis. Thankfully, it eventually blew open from the dye! When we went back to see Dr heaps and to get the go-ahead for the Clomid, I suggested testing Chad's swimmers just to see how strong they really are. We ended the month on a high note (finally) when we bought my Acura MDX. Hey, Korean Jesus, take note! We bought a large family car so that our twins can fill it!
July 2012 -
We went on a road trip to Destin, Florida with the boys in my new car. Honestly, it wasn't the best road trip with he monsters. William had peed himself in his crate, but he desperately wanted out. So. I sat in the back where I could stay close to him. Thankfully I had a blanket that he could cuddle with . At one point he started getting very antsy, so I put him back in the crate. Then I smelled it. He pooped in his crate. He also discovered 'a whole new world' behind the chairs, and of course, William the cat is in the trunk space. Whatever. Chad stopped at a gas station and disposed of Williams Smelly crate. Which left us with a problem - how will we get him into the hotel? Thankfully Rick was waiting for us and we were all good. He took Cappy and I hand carried Willie. Rick and Chad unloaded the truck while I tried to calm the boys down. Almost immediately, Cappy peed on the side of the bed. Darn mutt. They did find a surprise when they were unloading my truck - apparently when Willie got loose, he took a crap in the back seat of my car. Yup, there goes my new car. For the most part, we enjoyed the trip. I wouldn't be against going back to Destin as I really enjoyed it there. Destin definitely caused quite a few arguements, but we are all still here.
Unfortunately, I got sick not too long after returning - I'm sure the stress didn't help me. I missed one day of work due to a bad sinus infection. Chad had to make his 'deposit' at the RE to test his quality out. We finally got a copy of his test results from Dr Heaps, who said that we could continue with clomid for 6 months, but after that we have to do IUI. Sigh...
August 2012 -
Chad had to go to New Orleans for a golf outing, so I prettied myself up for a girls night with my lovely friend, Suzanne. We had a great night dress shopping and a wonderful (and funny) dinner at Rouxpour. We also did a little laughing at some inside jokes that we have between us. I ordered a pizza for when chad would arrive home, and hoped that he was in good 'shape' after golfing all day long. I was ovulating and I needed him to be able to do his thing. Humph! That's all I have to say about that.
September 2012 -
A fairly stressful month for us both. Chad did get to go to Las Vegas for Chris's Bachelor party, and he came back sick. Go figure... I had my monthly appointment with Dr Heaps and it was determined that i had cysts. those cysts gave me a sonogram and almost took Clomid away from me. They had some major issues at the plant which causes Chad to work insane hours. The worst part is that it was when my mom was here visiting. We didnt get to take her out to dinner, but she was understanding. I had to pack up for my trip back to Illinois for multiple weddings. Throwing a cat and a dog in the mix makes it all the more confusing. We hit the road early and made great time. I'm very thankful that my Mom was able to help me on this trip. When we got to our room, mom found that her CPAP machine had quit working. That was no good for business. We attempted to sleep (not much luck), and got back on the road at 130 in the morning. I drove for 2-3 hours and switched with my mom - I was too darn tired. I got a little nap in, and then we switched again. We finally made it home around 1030. I never thought I'd be so happy to see Springfield! The next day was Lenny's wedding, which was beautiful. It was nice to see some familiar faces.
October 2012 -
October started out on a sour note. Since I was needing Clomid, I was going to see my old doctor in Illinois. Unfortunately, even though I told her nurse what I needed done, they did it the old 'screw you with love from the Springfield Clinic' way. Obviously, not what was needed. She told me that the sonogram showed that I did ovulate and that it looked like something may have implanted. Holy shit! I was super excited. That didn't last long, though. The next day Chase and I picked Chad up at the airport & headed back home. The next day, all the wedding craziness started. I was uncomfortable for a few reasons, because I've never really felt like I was accepted by Chad's family and the issues we had in Destin. I was totally stressed out by everything, but I made the most of it. Leaving illinois was hard for me, but I kept reminding myself that Christmas would be here before you know it...and I would be back in illinois. Of course, the doctors thought about possible implantation was completely wrong - I got my period the day before we left. Ugh
November 2012 -
At my first appointment this month, I shared everything from my appointment in Illinois with Dr Heaps. He seemed equally confused. Even more so when I told him about the $800 bill that accompanied it. So, we decided to increase my dosage of Clomid and try to hit a homerun. I had my first consult with the RE, who thinks I need to do IVF because of scar tissue from my endometriosis. I had actually seen Dr V four days prior to this appointment due to sinus pressure, and I hit a brick wall during this appointment. I seriously felt like crap. I spent the next 3-4 days in bed with pneumonia. It was pretty rough. The following week was Thanksgiving, and guess who got sick on Thanksgiving? Chad. Thank God for my Uncle Stu!!! The following weekend was the branch trip to San Antonio, which I had been looking forward to. Unfortunately, chad made the decision that we weren't going due to problems at the plant. That pretty much sucked, but I survived. I had my last appointment with Dr Heaps - and he put me on the max dose of Clomid. We were both crossing our fingers that I'd come back the following month with good news. Hmph!
December 2012 -
December started out pretty good, especially since we were going to be going home for Christmas. We celebrated my birthday for almost a full week, and I was Princess Diana all week long! I finally gave in and spent some time at Center Court's bar. I feel like such a rockstar here. I love almost everybody there! There is never a dull moment. Unfortunately, Chad had bad news to break to me ... Since everybody else was going out of town we had to stay here for Christmas. Seriously?! We are the only people from out of state, we told them how long ago that we were going back to illinois? I was, understandably, very upset. And then it hit me...we can start ivf sooner!!! Well, as you know, that idea went away. There's just too much going on in our lives right now. We had a boring, quiet Christmas and I'd say we all got spoiled. (Me more than others, of course!). I'm just looking forward to spending the rest of 2012 with my sweet boys and making more memories.
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