Second Consult's a Charm?!

Minus Chad's frustration level while waiting to see Dr Williams, our appointment went well. We asked every question in the book, and have made our (preliminary) decision.
I will be going in for a baseline in a few weeks and preparing to start IUI, unless the baseline ultrasound shows anything concerning. IUI is much less stressful, and he stated that unless I have large endometriosis it may work. I'm afraid that I will feel like I gave up too soon if we jump into IVF. Our plan is to start that and inseminate in mid-February. If this doesn't work, we will start the IVF process this summer.
IUI doesn't have nearly as many restrictions and I will only need a few hours off of work at a time. At least I can say that I tried, right?!
Now all I have to do is speak with my boss about this. Crossing my fingers and saying my prayers...


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