Once Upon a Time...

In a faraway place called Texas, a 31 week pregnant Princess Diana patiently (or maybe not so patiently) waits.  Wait for what, you may ask.  Waiting on Prince Chadillac to complete Princess Charleigh's nursery, waiting on the new refrigerator to be ready to use, and most of all waiting on little Princess Charleigh herself.
It's certainly been a long time coming, and it's getting so close that Princess Diana can taste it.  In the few hours of good sleep she dreams about the little Princess growing inside of her, and the rest of the time she thinks about her constantly.  Between kicking, kungfu fighting, gymnastics (on the bladder of course) not a moment goes by that she's not thinking of her.
It's so close, in fact, that Princess Diana is starting to get very anxious about the events.what if Prince Chadillac is in the middle of building America and slaying dragons when the time comes?  What if the commute to rescue takes over an hour?  What if the Prince can't make it to the grand birth?
At this point, it's looking like a discussion needs to be had with the delivering agent regarding induction.  Yes, it's highly frown upon by some but for convenience it's looking like the best option.  You know, Prince Chadillac & Princess Diana have many things on there plate, and many arrangements need to be made.
Just some things to consider, my friends.  Only 64 days left


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