Pregnancy update
How far along: 31 weeks, 5 days.
Size of baby: head of lettuce - as of Friday she was measuring in the 30th percentile, with the exception of her abdomen that measured in the 10th percentile, and weighs approximately 3 pounds 6 ounces.
Total Weight gain/loss: To date I've lost a total of 13 pounds, and have gained 7 pounds back, interested to see what the scale reads on Friday
Maternity Clothes: oh yeah, I'm area day officially bigger than my mom was with either of us.
Gender: Girl
Movement: can we say little miss drama queen? I think I've got a gymnast in there
Sleep: I can sleep better during the day for some reason. At night I'm up hourly to pee and it takes ridiculous amounts of time to get comfortable.
What I miss: Sleep, Cooking, walking, sitting, tasty beverages, tying my shoes, painting my toenails...
Cravings: Lemonade, Lucky Charms, McDonalds, ice cream, donuts and Doritos
Symptoms: Night sweats, being overly sensitive, exhaustion, inability to get comfortable, feeling like I could eat All The Time, frequent urination, nausea
Highlight of the week: finishing the painting in Charleigh's room. :-)
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