One-Eyed Willie's Story
Hi! My name is One-Eyed Willie (also affectionately known as William, Pooh, Wee-yums, Battle Cat, and Reerdaber), formerly known as Stu. Sometime in early 2007, somebody dropped me off at the APL because I was born with one eye. Thankfully, a nice lady named Rose Russell (we call her Mama Rose) decided to foster me. She took me to a few offsite adoptions, but nobody wanted me. Mama Rose didn’t think anybody was going to adopt me because I’m “different.” You see, my face is kind of deformed since I’m missing an eye – I have two snaggle-tooths and I always look like I’m winking. (I also drool when I’m sleeping.) Then one day my Mommy came to ACE Hardware. She picked me up and I just melted in her arms like butter. I knew she was the one. When I went home with my Mommy I was really small, I could fit in her hoodie pocket. Now I’m big, a whopping 17 pounds, and my Mommy calls me her “Little Lion.”
My Mommy met a really nice guy who didn’t like cats. Let’s just say this really nice guy met me and now he’s my Daddy!!! He says that I’m the coolest cat in the world.
One day in 2011 my Mommy and Daddy started putting all of our stuff in boxes and I got to move to a really cool place called Texas. Now I like to go on road-trips with them, but my favorite trip is going back to Illinois to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Gurgens. (The beach was pretty nice, too.)
Not long after we moved to Texas, my Mommy and Daddy brought home a little brother named Cappy. He is my BESTEST friend. Hopefully someday they’ll bring me a human little brother or sister…
In the meantime I just love life with my Mommy and Daddy, but I will admit that it makes me sad when they go to work. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I’m a really good nurse – I love to take care of my Mommy when she doesn’t feel well. The best part of the day is after they come home and we get to cuddle up in bed together. *Purr!* Life is good….
My Mommy met a really nice guy who didn’t like cats. Let’s just say this really nice guy met me and now he’s my Daddy!!! He says that I’m the coolest cat in the world.
One day in 2011 my Mommy and Daddy started putting all of our stuff in boxes and I got to move to a really cool place called Texas. Now I like to go on road-trips with them, but my favorite trip is going back to Illinois to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Gurgens. (The beach was pretty nice, too.)
Not long after we moved to Texas, my Mommy and Daddy brought home a little brother named Cappy. He is my BESTEST friend. Hopefully someday they’ll bring me a human little brother or sister…
In the meantime I just love life with my Mommy and Daddy, but I will admit that it makes me sad when they go to work. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I’m a really good nurse – I love to take care of my Mommy when she doesn’t feel well. The best part of the day is after they come home and we get to cuddle up in bed together. *Purr!* Life is good….
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