Brrrr! Part 2
On Monday morning as we were getting ready to hit the road, we had to grab a sweet little kitty name William out from under the hotel bed. This required moving the bed, only to find, after we got him out, that there were condoms under the bed. Yup, you read that right - condoms, folks. This gave me plenty of ammunition for the discussion with the front desk people. I went down and attempted to discuss this vile revelation with the clerk, but didn't get very far. He stated that he would have the manager contact me later, which never happened. Honestly, I think this is unacceptable. I don't mind paying a pet fee, but I'm certainly not paying $100 to find condoms under the bed that either one of the pets could have choked o.
The drive back was uneventful, and we pulled into the driveway around 4pm. Let me tell you, it was great to be home. Chad and I got to enjoy the Cardinals game before heading to bed. I learned my lesson yet again- take an extra day off!!!
I was so overwhelmed by everything at work on Tuesday, especially since theMedicare caps took affect. Seven'o'clock just couldn't come soon enough. Add in the fact that I stll felt like poo-poo-ka-ka, and you have one grumpy girl. Ughhhh! The rest of the week went better, until I got another 'summary' from Donna's office. This one said that I had ovarian cysts. Ummm...I thought that was why I went to see her - to make sure that I didn't have any cysts. Because, if I do I can't take the Clomid (if they are a certain size)...and I had definitely been on the Clomid.perhaps that explains why I have felt so icky for the past month or so. I'm looking forward to my appointment with dr. Heaps to see what he says. In addition, as yucky as I've been feeling I'm kind of anticipating being broken again. Just lovely....
The drive back was uneventful, and we pulled into the driveway around 4pm. Let me tell you, it was great to be home. Chad and I got to enjoy the Cardinals game before heading to bed. I learned my lesson yet again- take an extra day off!!!
I was so overwhelmed by everything at work on Tuesday, especially since theMedicare caps took affect. Seven'o'clock just couldn't come soon enough. Add in the fact that I stll felt like poo-poo-ka-ka, and you have one grumpy girl. Ughhhh! The rest of the week went better, until I got another 'summary' from Donna's office. This one said that I had ovarian cysts. Ummm...I thought that was why I went to see her - to make sure that I didn't have any cysts. Because, if I do I can't take the Clomid (if they are a certain size)...and I had definitely been on the Clomid.perhaps that explains why I have felt so icky for the past month or so. I'm looking forward to my appointment with dr. Heaps to see what he says. In addition, as yucky as I've been feeling I'm kind of anticipating being broken again. Just lovely....
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