Keep Feeling Fascination

Sometimes the fascination could be replaced with the word irritation.  But, that's another blog entirely...
After work on Monday, Chad and I ran up to the Sienna Plantation Library to cast our ballots in the big race.  Not only was this the first time that either of us has voted in the State of Texas, but it was he first election that Chad has ever voted!  I got in, and expected the 'computers' to be much like the ones in Illinois. I was very, very wrong.  I could only find the directions in Spanish, too.  Ugh! Eventually I figured it out though.
Tuesday was the typical long day at the office, but it was made much better by a super thoughtful patient who brought us a lovely hand-written note thanking us individually for our professionalism, among other things.  Honestly, it made my day.  And the day was touch and go for a while, as Tracey's daughter Kaley had strep throat.  There were a lot of phone calls and patient juggling that day.
Wednesdays highlight included finding poop splatters on our toilet.  This had to have happened between noon on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.  Worst part was that I really had to pee, thanks to three cups of coffee. I pretty much refused to even go into the room, I was so disgusted. So, I flew home so tht I could pee without the nastiness of poop splatters.
The first thing I didn't on Thursday morning was chck the bathroom, because I would have raised all sorts of hell with the leaning people had it not been cleaned up. Thankfully, we were in the clear.  Tracey wasn't feeling the best and both Carlos and I were grumpy and exhausted - our poor patients! Since it was my FridAy, I kept my head up - and we got out of the office EARLY!
I had every intention of sleeping in on Friday, but it didn't happen.  For some reason I was up with the birds.  Chad had to go to the office, so I ran errands before cleaning, dusting and vacuuming - all my favorite pasttimes, as you know.  I also spent two hours with my neighbor, Mel, who I have more in common with than I ever thought possible.  We decided to make it our Friday ritual, and I cannot wait to see what this Friday holds.
As of today, the plant is in a forced outage, so Chad will be working every day.  It makes me as, because I have my monthly doctors appointment on Friday, and it will be the first one he missed. I am really hoping for good news this time - I started the daily testing yesterday.  So far, no baby...but, it's still early.  I'm very thankful for our neighbors, Chris and Mel, who have become good friends - its going to make ths outage that much easier on me!


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