Sicky, sick girl
Being sick sucks. There is nothing worse than laying in bed all day (with the exception of the doctors office), when you could be having fun at work. Yes, you heard me is FUN!!!
I slept fairly well the majority of the night, but awoke around 2and never fell back asleep. I called into work at 4 this morning, which I really hated to do, but there was no way in hell I would have survived all day. I called the doctors office and got an appointment at 10am, as usual, I arrived a good twenty minutes prior and was able to read half of a book while I waited on the doctor.
I hated telling him about my experience with the answering service, but the same point in time he does run the practice, so he needed to know. Apparently, I'm not the first person to have this problem with the particular doctor on call. Dr. V apologized left and right, though I told him it was unnecessary. I was right on the money, with it being strep/sinus infection which was most likely caused by my allergies in Florida. Of course, it was all worsened by my asthma. So, I got a steroid shot in the ass and steroid pack and was sent on my way. The best part about my appointment was that I had lost 7 pounds since my last office visit with him. Hooray! Whether it was because of being sick all weekend or because I tried to watch what I was eating, we will never know. Either way, I'll take it!!!
I picked up some delicious Chickfila for lunch, and came home to finish my book and rest. Hopefully, I'll sleep well tonight. It's been pouring down rain for the past 45 minutes or so, which sucks because we definitely do not need any more rain here. I'm certain my yard will be a jungle by the weekend, and it doesn't help that we got an email reminder about keeping our yards neat and tidy. I don't really know how they expect us to keep up with the yard when it rains everyday for 10 straight days, but whatever...
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