Days go by
With a little help (from my friends...steroids!) I headed back to work on Tuesday. I will admit, there were a few times that I just wanted to curl into the fetal position and head back to bed, but I stuck it out. And for that, I am damn proud of myself.
I don't think I've been this sick in quite awhile, and I am the first to admit that I may have been a little unbearable. Put together being sick, having a steroid injection, taking oral steroids and starting my first Clomid cycle.....yeah, could have been mighty ugly. I flew through it, though.
I was challenged a few times, though. In one particular instance I was in the break room making coffee to try to wake myself up. I turned around and the creepy mail guy (who will from here on out be referred to as CMG) was standing there watching me. I should have 'spilled' my coffee on him, but my brain was clouded because of medication. I told him there was mail in the front for him, and he tools me that he knew. Why the HELL are you watching me, CMG?!?!?! G.T.F.O!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he proceeds to hug me. Get off of me, CMG, you're in my personal space. I turned around and walked to the front, where I pushed the mail towards him to get him out. Creeper gave me another hug. I used my sickness to my advantage and started to cough. I don't think he got the message. (that I've been trying to send for over a month now.) he finally left.
Thankfully, he called yesterday prior to coming out. I was very short with him on the phone, and pretty much hung up on him. :-). The bitch is coming out....
I've been pretty tired, but I'm surviving. I've read a few more books and have been relaxing a lot. This morning, Chad went to get his testing done, so we should know more soon. It would be great if we could just get this done and over with on the first cycle, but I know it probably won't happen. A girl can be optimistic, right?!?
I have a lazy weekend planned, but look forward to the pool guy coming out to give us an estimate tonight. Other than hitting the pool and catching up on housework I will probably lay low, but not as low as last weekend....
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