Isn't it supposed to be fall? It's a whopping 97 degrees today here in Houston. It makes the thought of fall feel so far away. I would love some delicious soup or chilli, but it's difficult to get in the mood when it's so damn hot! The leaves are starting to change colors and fall from trees, it's very disturbing to me. On Saturday, Chad went to the pool here at the apartment complex and people looked at him like he was crazy. Seriously?! It's nearly 100 degrees people, give me a break! Apparently after Labor Day, people here don't go to the pool...Wow. Do you have any idea how much I would give to be able to wear a hoodie?! Oh, Central Illinois, I'm missing you really badly right now. (Though I'm not missing my allergies!)
On Saturday we went by the house and were pleasantly surprised - even more surprised on Sunday. As of noon yesterday, we have tile, cabinets, light fixtures and hanging rods in the closet. Only a few more things to get done - carpet, granite, tile backsplash in kitchen, cabinets in bathrooms and landscaping! At the rate they are going, I figure the house should be done in two weeks! :-) We are really hoping that we can close on the house before we go to Disney on October 20th, that way we can celebrate and move in on our special date of October 30th! (For those who do not know, our first night in our home in Chatham was 10/30/09, and on 10/30/10 we moved Tim & Ashleigh into their new home.)
The bronze coach light isn't too bad! |
Tile in the kitchen |
My kitchen - I cannot wait to cook Thanksgiving in here! |
This weekend we also gave Cappy a bath. He was none too happy, as you can imagine! We brushed him and trimmed his nails in attempt to make him handsome. Unfortunately, there are a few things that will never be possible! :-)
Chad with a very wet Cappy. |
We were quite lazy this weekend - watching movies and reading most of the weekend. I treated myself to a few white chocolate martini's and Chad cooked me dinner on Saturday. That was an interesting situation, to say the least. We were making one of those frozen Wanchai Ferry Chinese meals (which are REALLY good, for the record.), and he decided to take over the kitchen. What an interesting idea - at one point I asked him if he had read the directions. The answer? Yes, but I didn't like them so I'm doing it my way. Wow! Thankfully, I didn't get food poisoning and our apartment is still standing.
As usual, I spent all weekend looking forward to working at the hospital today. I'm glad I decided against getting my Starbucks treat because traffic was awful this morning. The interstate was bad, but it was worse once I got into the Medical Center - I seriously sat in the same spot for over 15 minutes! After checking in, I headed down to Guest Relations and started my rounds. Everybody definitely had a case of the Monday's - people were grumpy and I had many complaints. Not to mention there seemed to be a million admits this weekend. There were so many patients in Oncology that the overflow went to GI, which was the only floor that had any rooms!
I met some really nice people today, one of which was on the GI floor (an Onc overflow patient), which made my least favorite floor that much more tolerable. She had me laughing so hard. It's great to see seriously ill patients with good attitudes - not only does it make "our" job easier, but I'm sure it helps their healing as well.
Today, once again, reminded me that I am truly blessed. I have the opportunity to really make a difference in the lives of others, some of which are terminally ill. I am so lucky to have the opportunity to meet these people who give me a new perspective on things. Life is good, though it'd be much better if I were getting paid!
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