A Good, Good Life
I apologize that I'm such a negative person sometimes, because, in all honesty, I have a wonderful life. I am married to my best friend, we laugh (A LOT), we have a beautiful home, a great car (yup, still a car snob), two wonderful fur-babies. Unfortunately sometimes I just get down with everything we have going on. I'm afraid that I let certain things take control of my mind.
I made a decision. I made an appointment for when I go back to Illinois to have a visit with my buddy, Vern. I neglected to tell Chad until today. He wasn't overly excited. I explained to him that there are a lot of thoughts occupying my mind right now, and I think it will be beneficial to "clear my mind." We have a lot going on right now, and baby-making has consumed my life. It's honestly the only thing I think about...
I see baby clothes when I go shopping and I want to purchase them. Ya know, for the future. I see so many things that our children need. (Speaking of, check out Gymboree...they definitely have a Pirate collection for boys!!!!!!!!!!)
I cannot help but wonder when, if ever, our family will be complete. I try not to get too discouraged, but sometimes it's difficult. I promise that I will, at the very least, TRY.
Last week, at work, we were double-to-triple-booked, but we had more no-shows/cancellations than ever. Sigh...I keep telling myself that I can survive this week, as it's only a three-day work week for me, but I know it's going to be CRAZY!
In the last week, I've crossed over to the "dark-side." I found that I was eligible for a phone upgrade, and made the switch to the Apple iPhone. I LOVE it! :-) The best feature is "FaceTime," since I can talk to my parents/family and see them at the same time. I'm not going to lie - it was so amazing I got teary-eyed. I got to show (kind of) Chase my home. I got to see Elijah, Zuulie, John Paul, Simon and my parents. And, they got to see Cappy and William. William was hilarious, by the way. He definitely grabbed the phone when people started talking to him and rubbing his face all over the phone. Thank you, Apple, for making home feel not-so-far away. :-)
I just have to survive a three-day work week, and then I have a doctor's appointment (for a follicle check) on Friday. Not going to lie, I'm nervous about this upcoming appointment. I've had some moments where I felt not-so-great the past month, and I'm terrified Dr. Heaps will find cysts. *Sigh* I'll need to talk to him about how we will proceed when I'm in Illinois. I have a gut-wrenching feeling that I will be in need of a follicle-check while I am home. Thankfully, Donna, my OB/GYN for the past 12 years has agreed to see me. I'm just hoping he's okay with continuing Clomid...
After the appointment with Dr. Heaps, Chad has an appointment with Dr. V for a follow-up. It's going to be a rough morning for Chad, as he needs to be fasting for his labwork. Yikes! I'm not sure if I really want Chad to come to this appointment with me or not!
The following week, Chad will be heading to Vegas for Chris' Bachelor Party, and I'll be living the single-life here in Texas. Thankfully, I have some great friends and I'm sure we'll re-create the GNO we had a few weeks ago! :-D
On the 21st, Mom will be flying in to spend some time here before we hit the road for good ol' Illinois on the 27th. :-) I cannot wait to get home. We should get back to Illinois on the 28th, and on the 29th is my good friend, Andrew's wedding. I have a few days of relaxation in Illinois before heading down to St. Louis to pick up Chad on Wednesday (October 3rd) for Brenna's wedding on the 5th. Unfortunately, we will be leaving on the 7th to come back home. A girl's gotta make some money...
I made a decision. I made an appointment for when I go back to Illinois to have a visit with my buddy, Vern. I neglected to tell Chad until today. He wasn't overly excited. I explained to him that there are a lot of thoughts occupying my mind right now, and I think it will be beneficial to "clear my mind." We have a lot going on right now, and baby-making has consumed my life. It's honestly the only thing I think about...
I see baby clothes when I go shopping and I want to purchase them. Ya know, for the future. I see so many things that our children need. (Speaking of, check out Gymboree...they definitely have a Pirate collection for boys!!!!!!!!!!)
I cannot help but wonder when, if ever, our family will be complete. I try not to get too discouraged, but sometimes it's difficult. I promise that I will, at the very least, TRY.
Last week, at work, we were double-to-triple-booked, but we had more no-shows/cancellations than ever. Sigh...I keep telling myself that I can survive this week, as it's only a three-day work week for me, but I know it's going to be CRAZY!
In the last week, I've crossed over to the "dark-side." I found that I was eligible for a phone upgrade, and made the switch to the Apple iPhone. I LOVE it! :-) The best feature is "FaceTime," since I can talk to my parents/family and see them at the same time. I'm not going to lie - it was so amazing I got teary-eyed. I got to show (kind of) Chase my home. I got to see Elijah, Zuulie, John Paul, Simon and my parents. And, they got to see Cappy and William. William was hilarious, by the way. He definitely grabbed the phone when people started talking to him and rubbing his face all over the phone. Thank you, Apple, for making home feel not-so-far away. :-)
I just have to survive a three-day work week, and then I have a doctor's appointment (for a follicle check) on Friday. Not going to lie, I'm nervous about this upcoming appointment. I've had some moments where I felt not-so-great the past month, and I'm terrified Dr. Heaps will find cysts. *Sigh* I'll need to talk to him about how we will proceed when I'm in Illinois. I have a gut-wrenching feeling that I will be in need of a follicle-check while I am home. Thankfully, Donna, my OB/GYN for the past 12 years has agreed to see me. I'm just hoping he's okay with continuing Clomid...
After the appointment with Dr. Heaps, Chad has an appointment with Dr. V for a follow-up. It's going to be a rough morning for Chad, as he needs to be fasting for his labwork. Yikes! I'm not sure if I really want Chad to come to this appointment with me or not!
The following week, Chad will be heading to Vegas for Chris' Bachelor Party, and I'll be living the single-life here in Texas. Thankfully, I have some great friends and I'm sure we'll re-create the GNO we had a few weeks ago! :-D
On the 21st, Mom will be flying in to spend some time here before we hit the road for good ol' Illinois on the 27th. :-) I cannot wait to get home. We should get back to Illinois on the 28th, and on the 29th is my good friend, Andrew's wedding. I have a few days of relaxation in Illinois before heading down to St. Louis to pick up Chad on Wednesday (October 3rd) for Brenna's wedding on the 5th. Unfortunately, we will be leaving on the 7th to come back home. A girl's gotta make some money...
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