Roughin' It

I'm considering the apartment living "roughin'" it.  If that makes you think I'm a spoiled brat, so be it.

After living in a house for practically my entire life (the exception being the first 6 months we lived in Texas), sharing living space with multiple other people is tough!  There are some things that really irritate me about the apartment complex, parking being one of them, but all in all its a nice complex.  It's very quiet here and I definitely feel safe, which is honestly more than I can say for the complex we lived in when we moved here.

Yesterday Chad finally figured out the dryer issue, or so we thought.  Apparently the knob was on incorrectly which was why it wasn't drying.  Unfortunately, I'm on the fifth dry cycle for a single load of clothes (and not a big load at that), so it's still not working properly.  I'm sure he's going to be thrilled when I make him look at it again.

This past weekend we finally cooked here - Chad pulled out his camping/tailgating grill and grilled steaks on the porch.   It very easily could have gone bad for us, but thankfully it did not.  Although we didn't have grilling utensils, we made it work. And, amazingly enough, we were able to successfully eat off of paper plates with plastic utensils!  (Nothing but high class here!)

Apartment living is definitely tough, especially considering we decided against unpacking since we will just need to pack everything back up to move into the house.  We feel like we are packed in here like sardines, but it will definitely make us that much more appreciative of our house when it's complete!


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