28 week appointment

Yesterday I had my 28 week appointment at the high risk clinic.  Here are details about each baby:

Campbelle -
Campbelle is baby A (presenting) and is cephalic, meaning she's head down.  She's very much a low-baller, and it was very obvious on the ultrasound that her head is applying direct pressure to my cervix. She is weighing in around 2 pounds 11 ounces, putting her around the 30th percentile.  (She is currently 2 ounces bigger than what Charleigh was measuring at this point.). Her fluid level is on the low side of normal, so they will obviously be watching that carefully.  She, much like her big sister, appears to like her hands in her face. She has some spikey hair on the top of her head, and some really creepy eyes!

Coleson - 
Coleson is (obviously) baby B.  At my OB appointment last week he was still breech, but has 
also flipped cephalic since then.  He weighs in at a whopping 2 pounds 13 ounces, placing him in the 43rd percentile. His fluid level is normal, so there isn't as much concern there.  In four weeks they will be checking his kidneys again, and hopefully they aren't dilated.  Coleson also kept his hands and arms around his face, but was much more polite in allowing us a glimpse of his face. Like his big sister, he has what appears to be a glorious mullet. He also isn't shy about letting us know that he's a boy.  He's recently gone from being the lazy one to the crazy one, but I'm sure that's because he's not as squished as his sister is.

Everything is looking good for them, and they encouraged me to continue to stay off of my feet as much as possible.  I guess Coleson's flipping would explain why I've been feeling so shitty lately.  Of course, as all my doctors keep telling me - with any multiple gestation pregnancy that is to be expected.  Provided Coleson stays head down, I've been told that I'm a perfect candidate for a vaginal delivery - this I'm not overly excited about, as we were hoping for a c-section so that I could get my tubes tied as well.  Those of you who know my OB know that he's a huge advocate of vaginal deliveries, so this will make him VERY happy.  

In the past few days my Carpal Tunnel has gotten much worse and it's preventing me from getting much sleep.  (Boo!). There are times that the pain is so excruciating that I'm nauseated from it. I'm also waking up practically every two hours on the dot to use the restroom, even though it may just be a few dribbles.  I'm starting to itch again, so I've been taking my Benedryl and trying to stay moisturized, I plan on mentioning this at my appointment on Tuesday.  

Our minimum goal is 32 weeks so that I can deliver at my hospital with my OB.  The game plan, however, is to induce over Thanksgiving.


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