It's probably just my personality, but I often feel tremendous amounts of guilt. Guilt over numerous things, and oftentimes things I cannot control.
One major item of guilt recently is that I feel like such a shitty mom. I cannot control all the circumstances in my life (though I suppose one could say that I could control getting pregnant when I did), and these circumstances have proven difficult for me. I wish that I were able to chase Charleigh around on the floor and do all the fun things that we should be doing. I should be taking her to the park, the zoo, or scheduling play dates. Instead, we remain cooped up and rely heavily on Disney Junior for entertainment. My OB reminded me last week that she won't remember this, and that the safety and wellbeing of three people (four, if you include her) is much more important than the activities that we aren't partaking in. Doesn't make it any less difficult, though.
Another item of guilt is that I'm here in Texas and cannot help my family the next few weeks as my mom recovers from her hip replacement. Even if we lived in the same town, my circumstances wouldn't allow me to be of much assistance. But I know every bit helps. Though Daddy has recovered well from his mini-stroke, this is more on his already full plate and I cannot help but worry. Between assisting mom in her recovery, taking care of Grandma, worrying about me, and taking care of himself I can only hope this won't be a recipe for disaster.
There's really not much purpose to this post, except to get everything off of my chest. Hopefully this will help.
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