Honesty, is SUCH a Loney Word
Once again, I have some stuff I need to get off of my chest. And, if you don't like it, move along - there's no need for snarky comments...
I've not been feeling well for almost a week now. It's difficult for me to describe how I've felt because, more than anything, I've just felt off. I've been nauseated {only eating one meal a day}, lightheaded, my head has been throbbing, etc. I've just felt icky. I told Chad that I'm feeling much like I did a week before I was induced with Charleigh, the night they admitted me for observation.
I broke down {at the urging of one of my good friends} and called my OB today. They got me in at 1115 this morning, and I worried about what he was going to say. More than anything, I was terrified that he was going to admit me for fluids.
I was also really embarrassed going into my appointment. You see, I had my appointment with MFM on Monday, and I was scheduled for an appointment with my OB after that appointment. Unfortunately, my MFM was running behind and my OB had to go to the hospital for a delivery. My OB is awesome, though. Even though he didn't have time to see me he dropped by my appointment at the high risk clinic on his way to the hospital. I got maybe five minutes with him, and I pretty much lied to him and told him I was feeling "great." Sigh...
Obviously, I was embarrassed seeing him again. And I was afraid of telling him how I felt. I know that I should tell him, he's a doctor and he's not going to ridicule me, but I don't want him to think I'm a whiny baby. {even though we all know that I am quite whiny}. Basically when I told him what was going on and how long it'd been happening, I started crying. He gave me some time to compose myself while he did an exam, and then he came in and did the ultrasound to Che k the babies. Then we talked. I straight up admitted to him that I don't like to admit when somethin is amiss, because I want to be strong. {obviously I was crying} The good news is that my bp is back within a normal range, and although I have those wacky readings, he's not going to worry about it until I'm 20 weeks. I broke down and bought a home blood pressure cuff, so it will be easier to stay on top of my bp. He decided to prescribe me a third antiemetic to assist in my eating, so now I'm on Diclegis, Zofran (3x/day) and Phenergan (up to 6x/day). I'm going to give this cocktail a try,
We talked about everything - what, when & how I eat. Basically, I need to eat smaller frequent meals and snack often. I need to drink more water and rest more. The three diagnoses, if you will, were poor nutrition, dehydration and over-exertion {pretty sure thats from all the stuff I do chasing Charleigh around and packing}. So, let's just hope this helps. He apologized to me because I'm feeling so badly (not his fault) and told me to cut Chad some slack because he really does want to help, but he doesn't know how. I made him promise to ask me if I'm really "good" or "fine." He also recommended that I get protein powder for my yogurt parfaits and some cute little snacks to munch on. An excuse to go to Target?! Count me in!
So I'm apologizing for this entry, as I know it's pretty depressing. Hopefully this appointment (and new medicine) will help steer me in thr right direction!
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