
This Week’s Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 9 weeks, 4 days

 Size of Baby: C is the size of a prune!

 Total Weight Gain or Loss: I've somehow managed to stay the same

 Maternity Clothes: Where have maternity jeans been all my life?  They are amazing!

 Gender: C is either a boy or a girl

 Movements: I don't feel anything yet (other than gas), but at my appointment on Monday C was definitely dancing around.  I'm going to try to video my US this coming Monday since Chad isn't able to go.

 Sleep: I can't get enough sleep.  My evening routine is now get home from work, eat dinner, talk to Chad while I'm prepping my shot, and going to bed.  Exciting, eh?!

 What I Miss:  being able to poop without difficulty.  (Sorry, you asked!). I also still miss my glass of wine and my old sense of smell. :-)

 Cravings: Long Jonh Silvers, Panda Express, Arby's, Olive Garden breadsticks & Alfredo, and salad.

Symptoms:  I'm still exhausted and suffering from food aversions and nausea.  I'm quite gassy and I'm getting those nasty cystic zits on my chin. Ugh!  Being an incubator is hard work!


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