Two Times Two

UAs of this morning (0706 & 0708) the twins are two months old!  When you adjust their age, however, they are two and a half weeks old. Confusing, I know.

Both of them are doing well.  Coleson (as usual) is the bigger of the two, weighing in at 8 pounds even.  Campbelle weighed 7 pounds 14 ounces.  Much like in the womb, there is very little discordance between them.

I was shocked to see how much they weighed, I feel like they are Giants compared to Charleigh at this age.  Our pediatrician quickly showed me that although they sound like they're good sized, they're still very small and under the curve.  {he reminded me that I'm just used to small babies!}. 

Coleson definitely has reflux and we are continuing to manage that with medication and formula.  It appears that Campbelle has reflux as well, but not severe enough to warrant medication at this point - the formula change appears to help.  If she gets worse though, she will join Coleson on medication.  I'm hoping and praying we can avoid that at all costs.  

I questioned Campbelle's unusually small ears today, but our ped said they aren't unusually small in his eyes - they're just cute and petite, but nothing to be worried about.  Whew! Apparently her "Michael Jordan tongue" is normal too. (Whoda Thunk it!)

Both babies got their two month shots and the rotavirus booster.  That booster is my least favorite part - Charleigh always had severe diarrhea or vomitinf after it.  Thankfully, Coleson hasn't had any issues yet and Campbelle only had one really nasty diaper - so far so good!
Campbelle, of course, did not enjoy her shots.  She was pretty pissed off, but they said that. Is likely caused by the fact that she's just skin & bones.  Surprisingly enough, she's been the tolerable one of the two.  I swear, Coleson forgot how to breathe during his shots, so he was pretty miserable.  Didn't make much sense since he actually has some meat on his bones.  He's been grumpy all day. Then I remembered that penises tend to negate tylenol.  It's going to be a LONG 18 years...

Babies go back in two months for their 4 month appointment, which is strange to me after Charleigh had appointments every other week to watch her weight.  I definitely appreciate that he told me to call in and speak with him if we have any reflux issues so I don't have to expose them to germs.  That is a huge sigh of relief.

Campbelle -
*Sleeps 4-7 hour stretches at night
*Eats between 3.5-5 ounces of Alimentum
*Wears newborn diapers & clothes, and can still fit into the preemie clothes as well.
*tends to be the grumpier more high maintenance of the two.
*loves her rockaroo & being swaddled

Coleson - 
*sleeps 6-8 hour stretches at night 
*eats 3.5-5 ounces of Alimentum at a time
*prefers dr brown bottles (the only brand I didn't have a lot of!)
*wears newborn diapers, but is quickly moving into size 1.  
*wears newborn clothes and is starting to fill into some 0-3 months.
*a sweet, grumpy man best describes his personality
*likes the FP snuggapuppy swing & being swaddled

Who do they look like?
Campbelle looks like Chad, but with my hair.  She has his ruddy skin tone, bright blue eyes, and wide forehead.  She has my hair and maybe my nose. (Jury is still out on that)
Coleson is a spitting image of Chase (my brother).  He has my skin tone, my eyes, some curl to his hair (from me), and a strange nose.  Still trying to pinpoint it.

These days, babies spend their time sleeping, eating, pooping, crying, doing tummy time, hanging out in their swings and cuddling with Mommy. (This doesn't always please Charleigh June)

It's hard for me to believe that just two months ago I had my emergency C section and these kids came out of me.  Yes, it was a very stressful time and still produces a lot of anxiety but without that, they wouldn't be here.

We love you Campbelle Rose (Belle, Cami, CamiBelle, Rosie) and Coleson (Cole, Big'uns, Bubba)


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