The Name's Bond. James Bond

We did it!  We are now a family of FIVE!  That means that we are officially outnumbered by animals.
A little over a week ago, while Chad was out golfing with the guys, Mom & I went to PetCo to visit Chris.  Chris, as you may know, saved Cappy's life and for that I am eternally greatful.  Chris runs a rescue and had an adorable one-eyed kitten named Blue up for adoption.  Let's just say it was meant to be the moment I laid eyes on him.

Here's his story, in his words of course:

Hi! My name is Bond, James Bond.  Some people calle me Blue, though.  I'm a strikingly handsome Blue Point Siamese.  Not too long ago, I was really sick. These mean people kept me outside and my life was awful.  This nice lady named Chris came and took me away.  The mean people said she could take all of us but the Siamese, 'cuz we were pretty.  I musta looked bad because she told them to kiss off and took me with her.  Turns out I had this thing called n'moan'ya and my eyes were in really bad shape.  The doctors thought I was gonna lose both of my eyes, but Chris saved me just in time!  I had uveitis and ulcerated corneas, too.  My right eye was so bad that it nearly popped outta place.  The doctors took it out and sewed my eye shut, so now I got only one eye. They say I'm almost blind in that eye, but it doesn't stop me!
One day there were a bunch of bratty shitfaces at PetCo and they kept bugging me, like a lot. And then an angel whisked me away.  My Mommy & Granny held me til they all left.  I was sad when they left me, though.  Little did I know that I was going to go live with my Mommy! I have two brudders, Willie (who has one eye just like me!) and Cappy.  Cappy thinks I'm his personal toy, but he's wrong...he's MY toy!!! (Maniacal laugh).
I had to go away for awhile and get my pedicure so I wouldn't scratch up Daddy's things or hurt myself, but  I'm back now!  Sheesh!  I misseded them.  They are the best.  Right now, Mommy's on this thing called bed rest which is purr-fect because I get to cuddle with her all the time.  I've been singing lullabies to the babies because I love them & I can't wait to play with them.  Willie doesn't seem to sure about me yet - but he will love me when I beat the crap outta Cappy!!!!


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