Good Intentions

I really had good intentions...but it just didn't work out for me. :-(

Although this weekend should have been a lazy one, it was filled with more than you can imagine.  For example, I really wanted to spend an hour or two at the pool, but it didn't happen.  My husband needed to take a shit.  Usually it's me that needs to leave a place to poop, but for some reason, my husband didn't want to take a shit at the pool.  UGH! 
Ya' see, next week I, more than likely, won't be able to enjoy the pool.  I am scheduled for my HSG on Friday, mid-morning, which means that I'm at increased risk of infection after I have all of that shit shoved up my hoo-ha.  :-(  You know what that means...ARGHHHHH!  No pool for this girl. :-(  This sucks donkey balls.
Spent the maximum of an hour at the pool today.  Next week I will be sore and prone to infection.  I cannot handle this anymore...they need to figure out what the hell is my issue and fix me up.  I'm totally over being poked and prodded.  Life is just NOT fair!!!!
This morning we woke up and spend some time at the pool, not enough time for this girl.  :-(  I did get a lot accomplished this morning - sauteed squash, steamed carrots, chicken salad, and grilled asparagus.  We should have a week full of yummy food, which is good - considering all the things I've read about this goddamned HSG I will have done on Friday.  From what I've seen it's going to be at least a day or two full of pain.  :-( I really wish I lived closer to home. And, I wish Dr. Heaps was the one performing the test - I don't particularly care for a stranger playing with my hoo-ha.  UGHHHHHHH! (yes, another one.) 
Lord knows, I've had enough wrong with my hoo-ha.  I don't know who to blame at this point..  All I know is that it isn't fair, and I wish that I could be normal. 
Moving on from the hoo-ha, though...
I just tried a new recipe from Pinterest (I know, huge subject change.)  I made a Spaghetti Casserole, we shall see how it turns out.  I also made oatmeal cookie bars, and I can honestly say that they are AMAZING!!!
I have noticed a bad thing about having three-day get so accustomed to them that you think you need four-day weekends.  Before too long it will be 7-day weekends. HA HA AH AH AHAHAHA!
Today we happened upon an advertisement for pet photos - we have contacted the company, in hopes that we can get some good (and professional) pictures of Cappy's the dog.  Unfortunately, it's on June 9th. and Lord only knows if I will feel up to pictures that day.  Although, in my opinion it's worth it to have good pictures of the puppy dog.  If they turn out good enough, we may have this photographer do pregnancy pictures (since I'm going to be lucky to even GET pregnant), and family pictures once Carter or Charleigh is born.  (We've decided we need full blown family pictures, complete with the William and Captain.)
***Side note...I have to get preggo first***
From what I've read, this test that I'm having done on Friday actually INCREASES the likelihood of pregnancy.  Please keep YOUR FINGERS CROSSED.  It's totally not fair that people who want it, and deserve it, cannot have THE ONLY THING in the world that they want.
As a matter of fact, last night we discussed  adoption.  I think it's something we'll need to discuss more - though I can honestly say I want a Gurgens-Coffman kiddo, not somebody else.  It just won't be the same.
Other than that, neither one of us are ready for the work week.  We still have laundry to put away and neither one of us are overly excited about going to work tomorrow.  I'm very thankful that I love my job AND my co-workers! :-)


  1. I had the shouldn't put you out of commission for long. You'll definitely feel bloated, but it's otherwise not that awful. Take some motrin/tylenol/pain reliever of choice a half hour prior and you'll be fine. It feels similar to a pap smear. If you want more info, feel free to message me. I've had almost every test in the book for infertility. :-)


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