Survey Says.....

I got the job! :-) Wahoo!!!!  It feels kind of strange to be able to say that I am, once again, employed!  (Well, almost!)

This morning I went with Chad to his doctor's appointment which went well - he has lost about eight pounds and his blood pressure was excellent.  Dr. V made some slight changes to his medications and sent us on our way - he will go back in two months for a recheck!  After the appointment we got some much-needed Starbucks and drove by the house before heading off to my interview.

I must admit, it felt kind of tacky being dropped off.  But, it was silly to waste gas so  Chad dropped me off.  He stayed in the parking lot, since my last interview was fairly short.  This one - not so short, to say the least.  I was in the conference room for an hour.  I was nervous going in, but was very comfortable once I got in there.  While there was a lot of typical interview conversation we also chit-chatted about things such as pets, family and sports.  I can honestly say that I felt like it was a good fit for me. I had a good feeling before the interview and the interview started off well - by the time I left I was pretty much told that the job was mine, I just had to wait for a call from the HR department.  Chad knew when I walked out that it all went well.  We went to lunch at Which Wich and came home to relax and anxiously await the job offer.  Less than three hours after I left my interview, the call was received.  There was one major discrepancy, however - they had me set for a November 28th start date and I had been told January at my interview.  I explained this to HR and they set my start date for January 3rd. 

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to have started earlier but I wouldn't feel right seeing as I would be gone a large portion of December.  (Is it bad that I refuse to give up our trip home at Christmas?)  Plus, November 28th didn't really give me a lot of time to get settled in the new house!  Thankfully, everybody was understanding.  The dress code both excites and disappoints me at the same time.  I'm looking forward to khaki's and polo shirts, but I really do enjoy dressing up sometimes.  I am definitely excited about being able to wear all of my tennis shoes! 

I'm very excited about this opportunity, though I'm sad at the same time.  It will be hard to leave behind my friends at the hospital, though I know they will always be there.  I also know I'm going to have a very sad puppy dog on my hands once I begin working.  It will probably be just as hard on me as it will be on him!

Chad offered to take me out to dinner tonight to celebrate the new job, after much deliberation I suggested that we wait until Wednesday night to go to dinner - that way we can celebrate the job and the new house at the same time.  I told him that I would be perfectly content with a pizza and some vodka for a martini or two.  Damn, I'm easy to please!

So, that's the big news.  Just goes to show that good things come to those who wait! :-)


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