
I've been asking myself this a lot this week.  This week alone, there have been many curve-balls thrown my way.  To be quite honest, I think I've had enough of them for awhile.
I know in the past I asked myself "why?" But now I really seem to question everything. I truly believe that God doesn't give you anything that you cannot handle, and that there's a reason that everything happens the way it does.  But I still wonder if I did something wrong at some point in my life.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not the least bit upset about the surgical complication, we learned a lot from it.  There is a legitimate reason that I feel like crap, and now my husband can't tell me it's all in my head! :-) 
I just don't understand why all of these things happen to me.  Maybe it's because I'm stronger than I realize or maybe it's because I need that push to make me a stronger person?

Dr. Heaps called this afternoon and I got a lecture about pain medication.  I'm not a very compliant patient when it comes to taking pain medication, I'd like to think I'm stronger than I really am.  So, I'm going to do what he said and take the Vicodin at the prescribed intervals until Sunday, then it's only for bed.    I sat in the living room and watched television, though I can tell you it wasn't comfortable at all.  When Chad got home, we walked to the mail center to get the mail.

Apparently, yesterday Grandma signed a contract at Bickford House.  It's sad, the home she lives in now was her dream home that my Grandfather built for her.  My family has a lot of memories at that house.  I would like to try to go home next month to visit and see the house again before it's gone, but Daddy thinks it's going to be too hard on me.  Grandma is actually happy and somewhat excited about moving, though I think as the moving date gets closer it's going to get much more difficult on her.

Although I'm still not feeling 100%, we have a lot to do this weekend.  We need to go get all the stuff that we need for Cap'n, since he will be coming home with us in a week! :-)  I am so excited about bringing him home, though I'm nervous too. Other than that, we're planning on a relaxing weekend and watching a few movies.  It's going to be a much-needed break for us and will hopefully allow me to regain some strength back!


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