Me and you and a Cap and a Pooh!

Yes, I'm dorky.  I was cuddling with William (aka: Pooh) this morning and the song popped into my head.  :-)

I was so excited because I laid down on the bed to call my parents, Cappy passed out on Chad's pillow and Willie decided he was going to lay on me and cuddle.  My baby boy hasn't done this since we added Cappy to the family, so it was very special to me!  (Hence why the song popped into my head and I decided to make my own lyrics.)

This has been a fabulous week, minus a few small details.  On Monday I headed to the hospital for work (with my pumpkin spice latte) and checked in early.  I headed up to Cardiac & Heart Failure Unit to make my rounds, only to find out most of the patients had been discharged.  This was kind of disappointing, because I didn't know what else to do!  So, I headed back down to Volunteer Services (VS) to ask Anne where else I could go.  I made rounds on two medicine floors before heading back down to VS because I was bored.  Anne gave me a new Caring Companion (CC) volunteer to train, which surprised me, seeing as it was only my second day there.  I took her to the two transplant units before deciding to explore the hospital on my own.  It seemed like a lot of patients had been discharged or they were sleeping.  As you can imagine, I didn't feel like she was getting good training, so I went back to VS to ask Anne if she had any other suggestions.  (I wasn't certain which floors we were allowed to visit, etc.)  Anne gave me another new CC to train and sent us to the Rehab unit.  Not long after being there, my in-house phone started ringing.  Anne had a special assignment for me.  (Never mind that it was 1:15 and I was supposed to get off at 1pm.) So, I headed down to Guest Relations, where I was supposed to meet up with a lady named Karen.  Karen is a patient liaison, and I went with her to two floors to "welcome" patients to the hospital and address any concerns they may have.  I absolutely loved it!  Before I left at 3pm, I spoke with Anne about working in Guest Relations all the time because I had enjoyed in so much - and she told me that I could do so, which really excited me.  As I was getting ready to leave, I noticed pet therapy was getting ready to leave as well, and happened to run into the "cat lady."  I'd had a patient on the Cardiac Unit who had been anxiously awaiting a visit from the cat, so I asked if they had visited her, which they hadn't.  Come hell or high water, I was going to get that cat up to her, I took them hostage! :-)  When I knocked on the door and the patient saw the cat she immediately started crying, and told me I was her guardian angel.  It was the most magical moment in the world - I cried too, of course.  When I finally left the hospital around 4:15 I had the biggest smile on my face, and absolutely nothing could change my amazing mood!

On Tuesday, we celebrated Willie's fifth birthday with steaks and Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins.  Willie, of course, got a can of cat food but he wouldn't touch it.  His allergies had started flaring, so we had to give him medicine - poor guy, nothing worse than being sick on your birthday!  I thank God everyday that I have him in my life.  I know the last month and a half hasn't been the easiest on him, but he's been a trooper.  He will always hold a special place in my heart.

All day long I looked forward to going back to the hospital on Wednesday.  I got on their website to look for jobs again, and found that there is an opening for a Patient Liaison at the Sugar Land location, which is no more than ten minutes from our new home.  It was a sign, so I applied for it.  Keep your fingers crossed something comes of this one!

On Wednesday I dressed up a little more than I had been, and headed to the hospital.  Once I checked in I headed up to Cardiac to check on the patient I brought the cat to.  I then headed down to Guest Relations to see what I could do for them.  Karen had a bunch of paperwork to do, so she gave me to Robert, another patient liaison, who gave me his list of patients and sent me on my way.  I visited one new floor - Ortho, and then went back to the Transplant Units.  I completed his list in little time, so I headed back downstairs and got my flu shot before going back to check in with Karen and Robert.  I felt really good about myself, as I had received a lot of compliments - not only from Karen, but from Robert and Anne as well.  I think this is the start of something really good for me, and I'm hoping that I can get a position at the hospital.  I think I've finally found the perfect fit - I love the beliefs of the hospital and they have a great mission statement; the patient liaison job is a perfect mixture for me, too - I can utilize my degree in business administration, but I still get to help others and be active in the healthcare field.  I know that things don't happen overnight and realize that I have to be patient...good things come to those who wait, right?!  Before I left, Karen told me to come directly to her on Monday because she was going to take me to some new floors - Women's Services and Cardiac Rehab.  Eventually, she wants to to experience all of the floors, which I look forward to doing though I am nervous about a few of them.  I asked her a few situational questions that I had, and she told me that I had handled all of them appropriately! YAY! :-)  Needles to say, I cannot wait to go back on Monday!

Yesterday was a long and boring day, and my allergies were really acting up.  I'd not been sleeping well, so I took a nice nap and spent most of the day reading.  I washed our sheets and mattress pad and even switched out our comforter.  It's amazing what a difference something like a comforter can make, Chad & I had both been very hot lately, so we put our old duvet back on the bed...and we both slept fabulously last night! Sigh...

Chad's work schedule has been changing a lot - on Wednesday night he had to pick up Bo (the Memphis branch manager) at the airport and went to dinner with him.  Of course, Chad didn't know about this until around 10am so I was on my own for dinner.  It was annoying, because there was so much I wanted to talk to Chad about.  Chad is back to working Friday's, there really aren't enough hours in the day for him and I wish there was something I could do to help.  (I know that he'd say, "getting a job would help!")  This coming Monday, he will be going to dinner with Bob (the Knoxville branch manager), so I'll be on my own again.  It sucks that it's on nights that I will have a lot to tell him. :-(

I drove by our house yesterday, and all of the brick and stone is up.  While I'm not totally sold on the brick yet, I love the stone.  I think part of the problem with the brick is that the siding hasn't been painted yet, and the white siding makes the beige brick look very ruddy.  :-(  Part of the problem may also be that it hasn't been washed yet.  We shall see soon enough!  The drywall is complete, and they have started painting the inside.  On Monday they will start installing the cabinets!  I cannot wait to see our house come together, and I'm even more excited about moving in!

My Mom has been sick all week long, and the doctor she saw on Sunday said she had pneumonia.  Mom being Mom, went to work on Monday and Tuesday.  On Tuesday evening she started feeling really awful and called her brother who said she needed to go to the ER or back to Express Care, so she headed to Express Care.  The doctor doesn't think she has pneumonia, and sent her immediately to the ER because she was in so much pain.  She spent quite a bit of time there and was told she couldn't work for the rest of the week.  She sounded much better on Wednesday afternoon, however, she's sounding worse again and is in a lot of pain. I wish they could figure out what is going on with her - this is the second time in six months that she's had something like this.  I remember how awful it was when I got bronchitis frequently.  Knock on wood, but I've only had it once in the past year!  I wish I had been able to take my Mom to the doctor, because Daddy hates hospitals and doctor's offices.  Daddy was a trooper, though.  Mom said you could tell how uncomfortable he was at the hospital but he sucked it up and stayed by her side.  I'm so lucky to have such a great Daddy.  (I'm also very lucky that I have such an amazing husband who stays by my side when I'm sick!)

I'm looking forward to the weekend - spending some time with Chad, I feel like I've not spent much time with him this week and going to see our house again.  I love watching the progress and taking pictures, it's definitely something that I will always remember. :-)


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