Friday the 13th...6 Months
Time has most certainly flown by. I'm having difficulty accepting that my precious little babies will be 6 months old tomorrow, Friday the 13th. Not only have Chad & I survived the last six months, I feel that, in some ways, we have thrived.
It's just unbelievable to me that six short months ago we were living in the apartment, anxiously awaiting closing on our new home. I distinctly remember not feeling well the night before, and refusing to get off of the couch. I also distinctly remember Chad having plans on Friday morning, much like he does tomorrow.
Not to worry, I can assure ya'll that there will be no surprise phone calls or text messages from me at the butt crack of dawn from the hospital.
I truly don't know what we would have done that morning without my dear friend, Crista. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful friend who would pack up and drag her kids to the hospital at that time of day to take care of our sweet Charleigh. Not to mention my mom, who I'm pretty sure was completely caught off guard but managed to throw together a suitcase, go into the office to make arrangements and catch a flight. And then there is my OB who, not on call, rushed into the hospital, in true Ricky Bobby fashion, to deliver my littlest loves.
Friday the 13th has always been a special day to Chad & me. Our first date was actually on a Friday the 13th. We joked that it would be a great day to have a baby - little did we know...
I still laugh about the text my friend Meghan sent...she sent me a message right when they had rushed me to the back, when Chad had my phone and was waiting to find out whether or not he'd be allowed in the OR. I'm not one hundred percent sure what the original text said, but I remember Chad telling me (in the OR) that she had texted and he replied that I was in the OR, having the twins. Her reply was,"This really better be you Chad, otherwise I'm punching you {Diana} in the tits."
It was truly a terrifying morning, and we were very fortunate everything went the way it did. The NICU nurse telling me that Campbelle was hanging on to life is still very fresh in my mind.
But here we are. Six months after the fact. Although my babies aren't what some would consider "thriving," in the grand scheme of things, they are. We have had these sweet creatures for six months now. What I wouldn't give to have them inside of me for just ONE MORE DAY.
Although the past six months have been ridiculously stressful, I wouldn't change it for anything. Our puzzle is now complete.
Thank you to all of our friends and family who have been there for us, we would be completely lost without you. Thank you to all the people who have cut us some slack, three under two is completely insane. Thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers. Thank you Dr. Heaps, Dr. Williams, MHSL NICU staff, MHSL L&D staff, and HFI staff for making our dreams come true. And, last but definitely not least, thank you Campbelle and Coleson, for letting us be your Mommy and Daddy. We love you more than there are stars in the sky.
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