Meet Baby B - Coleson Richard
Mister Coleson arrived quietly that memorable Friday the 13th. He was the reason for my c-section as he was bigger than his sister and was breech. In utero he was the quiet one, often showing his 'junk' to his sister. (Typical boy)
Weighing in at 4 pounds 8 ounces, there was very little discordance between the two. We did get to hear him whimper and even got a quick glance at him before they took him to nicu due to respiratory distress, as he wasn't nearly as sick as his sister.
When I first saw him I decided that he looked like a little old man, but that little old man has definitely grown on me. He's always been the quiet, peaceful one. (Well, until he decided he was going to join Charleigh June with stomach issues.)
While in NICU he struggled with maintaining weight, and at one point weighed less than Campbelle. He also struggled with feeds, and always needed gavaged to get the correct amount of formula. These days, we've moved from high-cal preemie formula to a hypoallergenic formula in hopes of having a happier baby.
We aren't quite sure who Coleson looks like - he appears to have my skin and eyes, darker hair and a strange nose,
So, where did we get his name?! You all know that Chad loves Marvel Avengers, and so we may have stolen the name from Agent Coulson. In honestly, that gave us the idea for the name, but we decided our original boy name (Carter) was just too popular for us. His middle name is from Chad's father (Richard) and Chad's late grandfather (Richard). And, for shits & giggles I'm claiming it's also in honor of my awesome OB (Richard is his middle name) for taking such phenomenal care of me - including coming in to deliver my babies and not leaving me hanging. Coleson only nickname is Cole, though my brother loves calling him Chadson.
In general, Coleson is a very sweet, photogenic, loving baby.
We love you to the moon & back, Coleson!
I can't believe they are a month old already! WHAT?? They are precious!