Frozen Embryo Transfer
On April 9th, we transferred two beautiful embryos into my uterus. These embryos were top-notch and had already started hatching prior to transfer.
Bedrest this time around was agonizing. It was tough last time, but it's definitely harder when you have a ten-month old who is obsessed with mommy. Chad did a great job, but there were some things that just didn't work well. ( Let's just say that Bathtime didn't go so well for either party involved.). It was hard knowing I was unable to pick her up and even hold her. All I wanted to do was cuddle my sweet princess. That was the LONGEST four days of my life.
This time around was different because I didn't have the same twinges or spotting I did with Charleigh, and of course that makes me paranoid. I was crampy and had backaches, but that was it. Much like last time, I started testing the day after my transfer. Although the embryos were perfect, I didn't have a good feeling. Inside of me, I just knew that it didn't work. For some reason, four days after transfer, I had a gut feeling that I needed to find the 'pee stick' I'd tested with just five minutes prior. Imagine my surprise when I saw a faint second pink line...
Chad was on his way home from work, but I didn't want to call and tell him. Instead I just laid in the bathtub and laughed. When he walked in, I handed it to him. We both got a good laugh out of it. I guess I should have questioned myself when I started crying while watching The Masters.
Had I not tested, or dug that test out of the garbage, I would have known the next day. I woke up feeling like I was hungover - morning sickness was hitting early this time. After my last pregnancy, I knew I needed some help so I called my OB regarding getting medicine. I wanted to be proactive this time around, in hopes that I wouldn't lose as much weight. The medicine didn't help for long, by the end of the week I'd called my RE hoping they'd do an early Beta. No such luck. They did, however, call me in more medicine. I dealt with it the best I could and anxiously waited the day of my Beta.
I arrived bright and early on Beta day. The wait that day was brutal. I knew I was pregnant, but what if my labs weren't good? When I'd not heard results by 4:30, I freaked out. Something had to be terribly wrong, so I convinced Chad to call on the results. He left them a message, and kept calling back until he spoke to somebody. Then he called me...
What do you want to know?! - C
The numbers, goddammit!
What number are you looking for? You already know you're pregnant. - C
The Beta, I mean HCG...
Two thousand eight hundred thirty seven. - C
All I could do at this point was laugh. I was certain he was joking with me. Then it hit me, he didn't understand what these values meant...
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