4 Months

I'm definitely falling behind.  My apologies.  Being a Stay at Home Mom is much more time consuming than anticipated!!!

Charleigh turned 4 months old on September 21st and had her 4 month well-check & immunization a on the 24th.

Age: 4 months

Weight: 10 pounds even.  Yes, we are plateauing again.

Sleeping:  Charleigh sleeps a minimum of 10 hours at night without waking.  She is a cat-mapper during the day.

Eating: Charleigh takes 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours during the day, if she gets too much more she throws it up.  However, when she wants more, she gets more.  Dr Ho also gave us the ok to try some hypoallergenic rice cereal, if we could find it.

Favorite Food: Neocate formula

Likes: being the center of attention, music, looking at herself in the mirror, baths, and car rides

Dislikes:  Tummy time, nap time, and whenever we are attempting to eat/cook/talk on the phone.

Favorite Things: Binky, barf rags, washcloths, her frog chair, Cappy & her Pooh lovie.

Making Mom & Dad Smile:  practically everything she does makes us smile.  The other day I was attempting to cook dinner and she was screaming her head off, I went to check on her and she immediately starts smiling (drama queen). As annoyed as I was I couldn't help but smile.  She also recognizes us and that just makes our hearts melt.  This little girl has a way.....


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