Seventh Inning Stretch

How far along: 27 weeks, 5 days
Size of baby: Cucumber - 15 inches, 2.2 pounds
Total Weight gain/loss: To date I've lost a total of 13 pounds, and have gained 5.5 pounds back (4.5 said pounds in the last three weeks!)
Maternity Clothes:  absolutely, though I can still pull off some non-maternity tops
Gender: Girl
Movement: she is quite the wiggle worm
Sleep: hit or miss, but usually a big miss.  Last night I had to pee five times!
What I miss: Sleep, Cooking, being able to get comfortable easily
Cravings: Arby's, burgers, pizza & ice cream
Symptoms: Night sweats, irritability, fatigue, inability to sleep, frequent urination & nausea
Highlight of the week:  being admitted to the hospital & putting the glucometer away


We have been quite busy since the last update, which is partly to blame for the tardiness.  We spent the majority of last weekend running errands and going places and it's exciting to think that we now have all the needed furniture for Charleigh's room. :-). Now we just need to finish her room and put all the furniture in there!
Last weekend we had the pleasure of attending a baby shower for two special friends of mine.  I got all teary-eyed seeing them and cannot wait to meet their sweet twins and have play dates! These two deserve nothing but the best and it brings me so much joy knowing how much these sweet babies are already loved.  Unfortunately, we couldn't stay long since we had our hospital tour at MHSL.  (Side note: MHSL is the 'competition' of the hospital system that I work for, HMHSL).

The main reason we chose to deliver there is because they have more experience in high-risk births than my hospital, and the tour did not disappoint.  We were very impressed with how secure the unit was, the spaciousness of the rooms and how it didn't really feel too hospital-like.  We were also pleased with the staff, and the information provided to us.  Part of me still felt guilty for not using the hospital system that pays me, but the same point in time comfort is very important.  Just knowing the helicopter is right outside in the event of emergency is relieving.
After our tour we headed to Perry's Steakhouse to celebrate Chad's 32nd birthday.  As usual, dinner was delicious and we ate far too much.  I was exhausted from being on my feet all day and suspect that I may have done a little too much. Oops!
The week started off quiet, as usual, but by Tuesday I was pretty uncomfortable.  There was no position that really felt good and I was beyond tired.  Thankfully, I get off at 2pm on Tuesday now.  I breathed a big sigh of relief when my coverage arrived and I was able to go home and relax.  I spent the remainder of the day reading and relaxing with my sweet fur-babies before hitting the sack.
Around 1230, I woke up feeling a strange gush and an awful cramp that wrapped around my back.  I can honestly say this was the worst pain that I'd ever been in and was unable to get comfortable.  I tried switching positions, which is when I noticed a wet spot on the bed.  I was concerned, but decided to suck it up and call the doctors office during office hours.  Unfortunately, the pain lingered and I called Chad to tell him about it.  He wasn't near as comfortable with me waiting until normal office hours and insisted that I call The answering service for advice. After pouting and crying, I gave in and the on call doctor told me to go directly to the hospital.  Ugh!
I threw on some pj pants and a bra and headed out the door.  Because of insurance reasons, I went to HMHSL.  (Honestly also because it was closer and my gas light was on). About five minutes after my arrival, I was wheeled up to labor & delivery where I filled out a handful of paperwork and was taken to the triage room.  I was given the ever-lovely hospital gown to change into and a cup to pee in, and was then immediately hooked up to monitors.  The nurse attempted to gather my history, but it was rather difficult seeing as she didn't speak very good English.  I had to ask her to repeat herself many times.  Let's just say she was none to pleased with me.  Oh well...
Probably an hour after I'd been there she finally realized that I was there mainly because of the fear that my water broke .  Lordy, if I just had 'side & back cramps' I wouldn't have come lady.  She did a swab which showed that everything was still intact.  Whew!  Of course, they wanted me to remain hooked up to monitors a bit longer. It was, quite possibly the longest two hours of my life.  Getting comfortable was impossible and I was lonely and scared.  Chad, of course, was worried and ready to jump in the truck to come take care of me but I told him to calm down and wait.  I'm sure it was equally nerve-wracking for him, particularly since he was so far away.  I took advantage of the time to text my boss and coworkers, letting them know that I might not be able to make it into work that day.  Thank goodness for smart phones and friends with insomnia because they were the ones who kept me company.  :-)
I was discharged with instructions to see Dr Heaps in the office that day and escorted out the way I came in.  By the time I got home it was nearly 430, so I waited until 530 to officially call in for the day.  I'm thankful that my boss and coworkers understand, I even had coworkers texting me throughout the day to check on me.
I did get a little upset, however, when I called in to make my appointment with Dr Heaps.  They asked if I could come in the next day.  Uhhh, no.  I spent three hours in the hospital, attached to monitors thank you very much.
Once at my appointment I apologized profusely for waking him up in the middle of the night and we got down to business.  The fluid I found in my bed is still of unknown origin at this time.  The heart decels the nurse had me worried about are somewhat normal for where I'm at in the pregnancy, in a few more weeks they'd be concerning.  We discussed my blood sugar log which is when I was told I can put the glucometer away.  That was a happy moment.  I know my fingers are happy!   The official diagnosis was "threatened preterm labor."
I did learn a few things from this scare:
1. Don't go to HMHSL.
2. I really need to have a bag packed and in my car, just in case.
3. I need to preregister.
4. Keep gas in my car at all times.
5. Follow the orders the doctor gave.

I spent most of the day Wednesday recovering from the scare and taking it easy.  I felt somewhat foolish for my visit and admission, but better safe than sorry, right?!
I am very lucky to have so many people who care about me and have sent me text messages checking on me.  Thank you all.  And a huge thank you to my friends who kept me company from afar.
Although Thursday was my short day I stayed the entire day to make up for the inconvenience that I caused on Wednesday, but still took it easy.  It was nice to be back to work and with my friends, as it kept me preoccupied.
It was a very boring weekend for me, and I didn't do much other than lay around and take it easy.  I started and finished all of Charleigh's laundry, with the exception of blankets.  That will be left for next weekend.  Hopefully we will have her nursery complete by the end of the month and we can start putting everything away.
It's looking to be a fairly typical week for me.  I will say that I'm both excited and nervous about my appointment with the high-risk doctor on Friday.  I'm looking forward to catching another glimpse of our princess, and I'm hopeful that she is still healthy, strong and little!  Chad is certain they will tell us that she grew a penis. I think i will allow him to his delusions. :-)

I'll leave y'all with some pictures from the last two weeks...
My pretty girl giving me a kiss
Just hanging out
Hooked up to monitors and lonely

My excitement was watching everybody's contractions
Waiting for the doctor
My sweet Cappy dog


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