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Today was my HCG Beta test where I get the quantitative value of HCG, the pregnancy hormone.  It's been difficult keeping this under wraps, but I've been getting positive home pregnancy tests since Saturday the 28th.  Since nothing was official until my blood test with confirmation  by Dr Williams, I kept it to myself. 

I was so nervous that I'd be getting a negative.  Let's be realistic, things haven't exactly gone our way in the fertility world.  But deep down, I knew the truth.  I've been nauseated for the last week and it's been getting progressively worse.  My boobs, holy cow, do they hurt.  I'm constantly crampy, and completely exhausted.  Unfortunately, I can't always sleep at night.  Sigh...

As you can imagine I didn't sleep much last night, as I was anxious about today.  I got to HFI early, and Patricia took me right back and drew my blood.  I swear, it was the longest afternoon ever waiting for that phone call.  But we got the news we were hoping for - my HCG is 718.  Now, we won't know until our first ultrasound if we are having twins, but from what I've heard it's highly likely given my HCG level.

I go back on Wednesday to make sure that my HCG is increasing and I'm sure I'll find out soon when my first ultrasound will be.  Since they want me seen by my OB before 8 weeks, I have already scheduled an appointment and will be seeing Dr Heaps on the 18th.  Chad and I are both very excited to resume visits with him, although we absolutely love Dr Williams & Dr Kim.

Given the date of my transfer, it looks like the due date is June 11th, 2014 but who knows.  I look forward to seeing our spawn on the Ultrasound.

Thanks again for all the warm wishes and prayers. :-)




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