Seven Weeks

This Week’s Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 7 weeks, but still measuring a few days ahead

 Size of Baby: Today the baby is the size of a raspberry, a half an inch long!

 Total Weight Gain or Loss: When we went to our OB appointment on Friday, I had gained around 5 pounds.  However, I have had numerous people tell me that I look like I've lost weight.  I'm thinking the weight is redistributing.

 Maternity Clothes: Someclothesare snug, some aren't. I broke down and bought a few shirts that are a size bigger than I usually wear, leggings, and two pairs of maternity jeans that I found on the clearance rack. Not going to lie, as dorky as they look they certainly are comfy!

 Gender: Big Bird is still gender-free

 Movements: Nope

 Sleep: I think that if I could just take a 1-2 hour nap after lunch, I would be perfect!

 What I Miss: Friday night meetings at Center Court aren't the same when you can't partake in Fireball Friday!!!  I also miss not being able to smell things - people are nasty 

 Cravings: Burgers, pineapple, salad, tacos.

Symptoms:  I finally got the nausea under control, but I've not strayed from taking my Zofran twice a day.  My appetite comes and goes & certain smells make me want to gag.  I'm probably more emotional than usual, scary isn't it?! New this week are cramps and lower back pain.  

I'm surviving and have had more good days this week than bad, so I'm taking that as a good sign.  I'm chomping at the bit to start making purchases and cannot wait to register for gifts. I'm also laying low and avoiding stressful situations when it's possible.  I've got this, right?!


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