Where has Time Gone?

I'm pretty sure I say this ALL THE TIME...

Wasn't I just pregnant and eating my daily pint of ice cream yesterday?!  Somehow between yesterday's pint of ice cream and today my little princess turned twelve weeks old.

It's been fun watching her morph into the adorable baby she is today, and I think the biggest changes occurred while we were in Illinois.  I cannot lie, the past twelve weeks hasn't been easy.  I can, however, say that it's been getting easier.  And, as crazy as it's been, every second has been worth it.

Since changing pediatricians, Charleigh has become a much happier baby.  It's obvious to me that she's much more comfortable and feels better.  My only regret at this point is not listening to my gut and getting a second opinion earlier.

While I'm on the subject of pediatricians, I must say how impressed I am with Dr Ho's office.  Everybody there is top notch, and I really appreciate that they follow up on their patients.  At Charleigh's weight check on Wednesday, Dr Ho contacted Medco to attempt to get her super-expensive formula covered.  I received calls from them today to ensure that I had heard from Medco regarding this issue.  I was impressed with their commitment, as I know many offices wouldn't follow through on something like this.
Unfortunately, there's an exclusion on our health insurance for formula, but it is possible that we can get it covered by appealing the exclusion.  It's not like we just chose to give her the most expensive formula on the market, as this is actually medically necessary.  Poor kiddo...
Our appointment on Wednesday went well, though Charleigh didn't gain any weight in the last week. She will go back in two weeks to follow up on her weight,  and until she gets to a decent weight we will be going every one to two weeks for weight checks.

So, what is Charleigh doing now???

Height: 21.5 inches, in the 6th percentile
Weight: 8 pounds 5 ounces, in the first percentile
Eats: approximately 20 ounces of Neocate formula a day(give or take).  Her nighttime bottles have 2 teaspoons of rice cereal in them to help with her reflux.
Diapers: around 5 diapers a day total, one poopy diaper daily
Clothes: she's still in Newborn clothes and diapers, though she's beginning to outgrow some of her newborn clothes because of her length.
Sleeps: roughly 7 hours at night, doesn't like to nap during the day but may take up to two hours of cat naps.
Likes: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, music, washcloths, her hands, pacifiers, baths, car rides, being held, and Sesame Street
Dislikes: her car seat (unless the car is moving), diaper changes, being cold, daytime naps, not getting attention, and her reflux medicine

All in all, I would say that Charleigh is a very happy baby.  She appears to be a fan of schedules and routines, much like me.  She is now starting to entertain herself and has the most adorable ear to ear grin. :-)

As for me, I look at her and cannot believe that Chad and I (with the help of HFI) made this absolutely beautiful, perfect little girl.  She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I love spending all day with her.  I can honestly say I feel like I was made to be a mommy, and cannot wait to have another baby.


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