Round 3, Part 2

Ugh!  What a long morning!  
Despite leaving the house later than we wanted, we still got there in time.  We were pleasantly surprised to find Clarissa at the front desk today.  Perhaps she is another sign that this is going to work?!

We sat on 'our couch' (pretty sure we own it at this point) and waited.  And waited...  And waited....

Around the two hour mark we started getting antsy.  The couple on the couch next to us (who I recognized) was equally antsy and we started talking.  Turns out the guy was the one that I yelled and screamed at at CarMax.  Oops!  He recognized me, too.  Oh Lordy.  Thankfully he understands why I was a raving bitch, particularly since he is in the same shoes as Chad.  

We finally got called back around 11am.  I undressed from the waist down and waited... And waited.  And waited...

Seriously?!  I hope y'all know by now that patience is not one of my (or Chad's) strong suits.  I wasn't about to leave without getting "knocked up" but Chad was.  After 15 minutes or so, he stood up and decided he was done.  He walked out and right into the doctor, who was ready to walk in the door.

We were a bit irritated, but we really liked Dr Skorupski.  He was on his own, and was a one-man show.  He was very patient, kind, professional and gentle.   
Here's to hoping this round is a winner.

Out numbers for today:

3-4 dominant, mature follicles.
27.4 million sperm, post-wash.


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