The Georgia Peach
These people are off their rockers. I swear to God, they must band together or something...
So, our apartment complex has VERY little parking. Obviously, we have two cars - large vehicles at that. This Georgia Peach next door to us also has two vehicles and, like us, they have a single car garage. Only their garage isn't full of furniture - it's completely empty.
Between our units there are TWO parking spaces. When BMW moves their car, Georgia Peach pulls her minivan out of the garage and parks it next to her husband's Caddy - taking up BOTH spots with a very empty garage.
Not only is our garage full of furniture, but our "driveway" to the garage is so short that neither of our trucks fit in the space. Hell, I'm not even sure my Civic would have fit there.
So, because of Georgia Peach, we both have to park our vehicles "blocks" away from our unit. Last night, upon returning from dinner, there were absolutely NO parking spots. Seriously. Not. A. One. This meant that we parked my truck in the very small driveway, risking it getting towed or hit.
This parking issue is a HUGE problem. Remember when I was told that I'm not supposed to be on my feet much? That I'm to rest and take it easy?!
Yep, not happening. Nothing like having to schlep across the complex, carrying your very wiggly toddler while 7 months pregnant with twins. And, imagine if I had groceries?! How the hell can I make that work?!
So, yeah. Georgia Peach is quite the peach, isn't she?! (Side note: she did the parking spot bullshit in front of me twice today.). I certainly hope she likes our barking dog...
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