24 plus

How far along? 24 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: definitely gaining.
Maternity clothes: Do they make anything bigger than maternity?  Tents, perhaps?!
Have you told family and friends? Definitely
Have you started to show yet?  See my answer above
Sleep: I cannot get enough sleep.
Best moment this week: drywall meeting
Miss Anything? Being comfortable
Movement: Constant, though Campbelle gave me quite the scare earlier this week.
Food cravings: soft serve, pizza, chipotle, noodles & co
Anything making you queasy or sick? White meat
Gender prediction: one of each
Labor Signs: lots of Braxton Hicks and tons of pressure
Symptoms: exhaustion, nausea, cramping, pressure, cravings 
Major purchases this week? Nothing
looking forward to: meeting these babies!


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