9 weeks
How far along? 9w4d
Total weight gain/loss: Not sureMaternity clothes: Oh yeah, considering there are 2 babies, it's almost like I'm 20 weeks pregnant
Have you told family and friends? Yep
Have you started to show yet? Getting bigger every day
Sleep: Nowadays, a good nights sleep is considered 4-5 hours. My itching is getting worse, and has now spread to my hands. I'm still taking Benedryl, and covering myself with steroid creams but it doesn't help.
Best moment this week: one of my closest friends, Heather, came to visit for the weekend. (And we got pedicures!)
Miss Anything? Im starting to miss being able to cook. Obviously, I miss sleeping and not being nauseated constantly as well.
Movement: It's too early, but I swear they were jumping around in there last night
Food cravings: Pizza Hut supreme pizza, Cheetos puffs & strawberries
Anything making you queasy or sick? I'm not sure if the nausea will ever go away, especially since it didn't really stop last pregnancy. I have a few good days here and there, but they are few and far between. I still can't stand the smell of food cooking. Thank goodness for Diclegis & Zofran
Gender prediction: I just have a gut feeling that there will be one of each.
Labor Signs: no.
Symptoms: food aversions, nausea, exhaustion, bleeding, lightheadedness, congestion & shortness of breath
Best moment this week: one of my closest friends, Heather, came to visit for the weekend. (And we got pedicures!)
Miss Anything? Im starting to miss being able to cook. Obviously, I miss sleeping and not being nauseated constantly as well.
Movement: It's too early, but I swear they were jumping around in there last night
Food cravings: Pizza Hut supreme pizza, Cheetos puffs & strawberries
Anything making you queasy or sick? I'm not sure if the nausea will ever go away, especially since it didn't really stop last pregnancy. I have a few good days here and there, but they are few and far between. I still can't stand the smell of food cooking. Thank goodness for Diclegis & Zofran
Gender prediction: I just have a gut feeling that there will be one of each.
Labor Signs: no.
Symptoms: food aversions, nausea, exhaustion, bleeding, lightheadedness, congestion & shortness of breath
Major purchases this week? We won't be making any big purchases until the first trimester is over
Looking forward to: finding out the genders!!
Apparently I have been accused of being a horrible person who isn't thankful or appreciative of my miracles. Those of you who know me will know that is the furthest thing from the truth, Charleigh and these babies are, HANDS DOWN, my world.
I do not censor myself. This blog is my outlet. I'm not very good at putting my feelings into words, however I can easily write how I feel. I cannot keep some things inside, because they fester and cause stress - which is neither good for me nor the twins. This is my safe place.
Pregnancy is the furthest thing from easy for me. My body doesn't handle pregnancy well, but believe me, I wish it did. While I don't suffer from HG, I suffer from something very similar...I just can't eat because the nausea is so severe. I can gag and dry heave, but nothing comes out. I almost wish I could just vomit and be done with it all. I've been on "couch rest" since 6 weeks, thanks to the SCH. I feel like a horrible mom, because I don't have the energy and can't play with Charleigh as much as I'd like because of the restrictions that have been placed on me. It breaks my heart...
That being said, I doing what I have to do to keep The Rugrats safe and healthy. Will I complain about feeling the way I do? Hell yes. This is MY blog, MY safe place. If you don't like what I have to say, move on. Remember that saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."? Keep that in mind, y'all...
I've been through a lot to get to where I am now, and whether you like it or not, I am entitled to whine a bit. The life I'm living right now is the furthest thing from easy.
My blog has somewhat moved away from being all about my infertility journey, it's morphed into a blog about life. Life as a (bitter) infertile, life as a mom, life a thousand miles away from all. Of your family and friends, and life as a high-risk pregnant woman.
It is what it is. Take it or leave it.
I still support numerous friends who have not been as fortunate as I am in my infertility journey. Friends who are in different stages of their lives, and provided you treat me with the same respect that you expect, I support you too.
So tonight, I leave you with one final thought....
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all...
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