Gnarly Charleigh

It's hard to believe my sweet princess is now two months old.  Time certainly flies when you're having fun and getting very little sleep!
For the most part, the beginning of July went by smoothly.  We were still having tummy issues, but managed for awhile until we could get in with a new pediatrician, Dr Ho, for a second opinion.  I had tried to follow Dr Bishop's orders, but found it increasingly difficult to feed her only two ounces every four hours.  My poor baby was starving.  
I felt guilty for seeking a second opinion, but after talking to my Aunt Cheryl about the situation she helped me realize that another set of eyes was a really good thing.  I was very pleased with Dr Ho, he listened to my concerns and agreed that she needed to eat more. He also prescribed baby Zantac for her to help with the reflux.  I finally felt like I was taken seriously.  He also gave me samples of another formula, Neocate, and said that if she was still having tummy issues in ten days I could switch her.  The Neocate tends to be a last resort, according to him.  Charleigh got her two month shots and I was told that he wanted to see her back in two weeks for a weight check, as he wasn't pleased with her weight.  Sigh...
Since we were getting ready to head to Illinois for a few weeks, we discussed our options with him and decided to see our doctor in Illinois for a weight check and then follow up with him when we return home.  I decided, during that appointment, to switch to Dr Ho for good.  One of the main reasons being that he was so good with her, she didn't scream at the top of her lungs like she did with Dr Bishop.  
Since that appointment, Charleigh has been sleeping much better - for around six hours at night. I can honestly say I feel like a new person.  
Just a few days ago, Charleigh had her two week weight check with Dr Bowers in Illinois.  I'm very thankful he agreed to see her because we'd been having some more tummy issues and switched to the Neocate formula.  It was comforting to me to have him see her, since I know him well and trust him.  Unfortunately, Charleigh lost an ounce since her last visit, but since it was a different scale, we decided to say that she stayed the same.  Dr Bowers was also concerned about her tummy issues an didn't think that the Zantac was strong enough, so he put her on Prevacid.  It's still too early to tell if it's made a difference, but I'm hoping this is one of the missing puzzle pieces.  He asked me during the exam how long we were going to be in town and said that he wanted to see her back in a week.  It's a little nerve-wracking, wondering what's wrong (if anything) with your kiddo, but I'm so thankful that he's taking such good care of her. Part of me wishes that we could stay here and let him figure out what's going on with her, but I miss Texas.  I wonder if I can pack Dr Bowers up and take him to Texas with me???

Other Charleigh news:
Charleigh weighs 7 pounds 12 ounces at 10 weeks old.
Charleigh has outgrown a few of her footie pajamas because she's so tall.
Charleigh has met a lot of people - Great Grandma June, Great Nana Jan, Great Teapot, Great Aunt Diane, Ken & Ann, Marygale & David, Jerry & Diana, RuthAnn, Mark & Teresa, Uncle Chase, all the peeps at Modern Dental, the OCI crew, the OSCI aunties, and our PEC family.  


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