
After a whopping eleven days of injections, I finally gave myself my trigger shot last night.  It was one of the happiest times in quite awhile.
At first I was quite concerned about my labs and slow-growing follicles, but yesterday I was very pleased with the results.
My Estrogen started out at an all-time low of 29, and ended at a whopping905.  Last time it started at 60-something and ended around 400.  I'd say that was a big improvement.
I also had three google follicles and one small one versus the two I had last cycle.  nd, I should probably mention that they were quiet a bit bigger this go-round.
I'm hoping and praying that this is a good sign.  I have a lot of people praying on it for me - friends, coworkers, family members and patients.  I know there are a lot of people pulling for us. (And, I'd like to clarify that some of those friends may be coworkers, likewise some of them may be patients.)
This morning we got ready to run to Piney Point for the procedure immediately after Chad made his,ahem, deposit.  We rushed over there, dealing with the ever-lovely Houston traffic.  We made it just in time to turn the deposit in. Whew!  That's when the waiting started.  Sigh...
Chad, of course, was able to take a nap.  I, on the other hand, sat there people watching and (of course) worrying.  You see, I had absolutely no idea who would be doing the procedure.  Dr Bello did the last two, as well as my surgery.  My doctor, however, is Dr Williams.  You know me, I just like to be prepared.
It took about an hour and a half before we were called back, but the doctor was in within five minutes.  I ended up with Dr Griffith, the practice director.  I really liked him!  He had a phenomenal bedside manner, cracked jokes and was very concerned with my comfort.  He explained everything he was doing and put both of us at ease. He transferred 15.7 million sperm today. (interesting tidbit about him - he is a former physical therapist, turned Army soldier, turned OBGYN who is board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology.  Quite a switch, wouldn't you say?!). I believe I overheard him say that he would be in The Woodlands office tomorrow, so I have no idea who will be doing my procedure.  Deep down, I'm really hoping it will be Dr Williams.
I spent the remainder of the day relaxing, reading and watching tv.  The best part, however, is that I had minimal cramping this time!  I guess there is always tomorrow, right?!
I'm definitely curious as to who will be 'knocking me up' tomorrow and I'm curious as to Chad'scount.  I'm also nervous about tomorrow, too.
My body really does have the worst timing, as tomorrow is our long-awaited (huge) DNV audit at the office.  It's kind of a really big deal. Since I cannot be there, Glenna, my supervisor will be filling my role.  Im sure everything will turn up fine, but I'm such a worry wart.  I know my office is in good hands, but I'm a control freak.  What can I say?! I come by it naturally!!! (right mom?!)
I will post an update tomorrow, until then keep saying your prayers!!!


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