Every New Beginning Comes from Some Other Beginning's End

We've had a few things brewing the past month, and while I won't go into details I will tell you this...

Chad has accepted a new job at MHI Builders (Coventry Homes and Plantation Homes) and is now a construction manager in residential homebuilding.  This is something that he's been interested in for quite awhile, and I'm thankful for the opportunity.  He's starting lower than his former position, but he is SO much happier.  :-)

Right now he's building mostly in Pearland - Southern Trails and Sedona Lakes, but is also building in Lakes of Savannah.  It's a great opportunity for him to start learning more about home building.  He's "training" with somebody right now, though that guy is actually on vacation this week - putting Chad in charge after a day and a half of training! :-)  I guess that shows that they have high hopes for him.

This job is going to be so much better for him - it's a Monday through Friday job, hours 730-5pm.  Unfortunately there's no company vehicle or vehicle stipend, hence the purchase of the new Chadillac.  In all honesty, though, his happiness is worth every sacrifice that we have to make.  He had to run in yesterday to check on something and for once he wasn't angry about getting up early and going to work.  I don't think I've seen him this was since he worked for O'Shea Builders in Springfield.  I even got to see him in action yesterday, and I can see that even though things can get crazy at times, he's loving every minute of it. 

This is the beginning of our new life...

***Side note: If anybody in the Houston-area (or the state of Texas) is looking at building a new home, please look into MHI (Coventry/Plantation).  Although I love my Ryland Home, I have to support the wonderful company that Chad is working for.  Remember: You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours!!!***


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