All the wrong kinds of excitement

The past week has been quite an interesting one in our neck of the woods.  On Monday I was scheduled to work until noon, but received a text message at 10 asking me to stay until close which wasn't a big deal.  I also got a text message asking me to close on Tuesday rather than open, as had been planned. Thankfully, that gave me the opportunity to ship my Grandma's birthday gift to her. :-)  The news was calling for some severe storms starting Tuesday afternoon and lasting until Wednesday afternoon, so I was a little bit nervous about flooding and getting stuck at our office in Pearland.  Thankfully, the rain held off until I got to our neighborhood!  On Wednesday morning, the storms finally arrived - and holy cow, did they arrive!  We lost power probably three times total at our office, one time for a couple minutes.  Apparently, there was a tornado on the ground not too far from our office.  When our power came back on, our cable was out (there goes our way of monitoring the weather) and phones were down.  Amazingly enough, our computers and internet (which hardly ever work properly) worked just fine.  Although I was looking forward to getting off work at noon, I wasn't overly excited about driving in the weather.  I got lucky when Tiffanee arrived around 1pm, because I pretty much missed the entire storm. Whew! 
I was very excited to get home, as I had received a call from Denney Jewelers saying my ring was going to be shipped on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Meaning my ring would be here either Wednesday or Thursday.  About 4:30 I was on the phone with my mom when the doorbell rang.  AHHHH!!!!  I was totally excited and one-hundred percent positive that it was my ring. Unfortunately, I was wrong.  It was a young, black man who was working on his "communication skills" and he was kind of creepy.  He was shuffling around and even made a comment about my toes.  I cut him off and told him I was on a long-distance phone call.  I didn't think anything about the guy, but Chad freaked out when I told him about it.  The more he discussed why it worried him, the more paranoid I got.  I was pretty shaky on Thursday morning at work, and talked to my co-worker, Tracey, about it.  After careful consideration, I decided that I needed to call the police department and file a report - just in case.
After calling the non-emergency phone number, they said they would dispatch an officer to my house to collect a statement.  Apparently, we aren't served by Missouri City Police Department but by  Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department.  About thirty minutes later I received a phone call from dispatch asking me for directions to our house, as they were unable to locate it.  I don't know about you, but it made me feel really confident in the event of emergency.  (Sense my sarcasm here?!)  The officer who arrived was very nice and explained why they were unable to locate our house - apparently on the maps they were given from the developer, our street was named Clarke Rd, rather than Thornton Dr.  So, in the event of emergency I have to remember that our address may be listed two different ways.  Ugh!  After speaking with the officer, I decided that I needed to meet more of my neighbors so I'm hoping to get the opportunity to do so soon!  I had no reason to answer the door the rest of the day, as my ring never showed up.
Upon arriving at work yesterday, I found that the phones were still down, despite the repair-man being there for five hours the day before.  Sigh..more using my cell phone for work, which I just love doing.  Oh well...I did find out that the repair man was going to come back that day, but we closed at 11am.  I ended up playing a lot of phone tag with various people trying to line up the service call - and finally got it scheduled for 7am on Monday morning.  Needless to say, after the incident at the house on Wednesday there is no way in you-know-what that I will be alone in our office with a repair-man. :-)  Thankfully, Tracey is good about getting to the office early so it shouldn't be a problem.  I spent the majority of the afternoon relaxing and anxiously awaiting my ring's arrival.  This, once again, never happened.  The excitement yesterday revolved around one of Chad's employee's (an ex-con) who had been terminated.  He lives in Missouri City, and knows that we live in Sienna Plantation.  It wouldn't be hard for him to find us, and he did, in fact, make some threatening comments to both Chad and Jody.  I spent the remainder of the afternoon as a prisoner in my own home, as Chad didn't want me going outside or answering the door.  Fabulous!  (I think I'd rather be at work!)  Chad got home early, thank the lord, and we headed to the Association office to get our ID cards and pay our HOA dues.  I mentioned the confusion over the location of our home to the people there, who told me that I needed to call the developer's office.  Really?!  Why is it my responsibility to do this? I'm not the one who screwed it all up!  Sigh....
I had been looking forward to car-shopping today with Chad, and spending some quality time with him this weekend.  Unfortunately, he received three phone calls last night and had to go to work this morning. So, I'm sitting here - alone again, naturally!  Not much I can do about it.  I could go run errands, but I'm afraid that if I leave, my ring will arrive and I will miss it. 
Chad should be home within a few hours, and we will go look at the Audi today before running errands.  Unfortunately, we have to purchase a baby gate for the stairs as we have had a not-so-well-behaved dog recently.  (Insert Sad/Angry face here.)  I called Denney Jewelers last night and am waiting for them to call me with a tracking number so I can attempt to locate my ring. 
I'm hoping that next week is much less exciting than this week.  The only excitement that I want is the arrival of my ring (duh!) and Chad's new truck...I think I've had more than I can handle for awhile!


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