25 Things....about ME! :-)

So, I stole this from somebody's Facebook page, but I thought it was fun and it's making me think.
The concept is for me to write 25 things about myself, I hope you enjoy and don't laugh too hard! :-)  ***THESE ARE LISTED IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER.***

1.) I think I read entirely too much and can finish a 400 page novel within 24 hours.  While I'm reading, don't even think about interrupting me, because it's highly likely that I won't pay attention. 
2.) Chad is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.  Although there are days that he drives me absolutely batshit crazy, he completes me more than I thought ever possible.  He is truly my best friend and I feel lost without him. AND I LOVE HIM.
3.) I absolutely LOVE Disney! One of the best feelings in the world is crossing through the "threshold" of real-world to Disney World!  I could probably spend every vacation there, as there is never a shortage of things to do.  (Not to mention there is some pretty spectacular people-watching to be done here.)
4.) I thought being a stay-at-home wife would be fun.  I was very wrong.  Staying at home all day long is boring and lonely.  I really miss human interaction - I can only talk to Cappy & Willie so much, not to mention that it is somewhat bothersome that they both talk back in the same voice...
5.) I'm a firm believer in adopting animals from a shelter.  There are so many sweet fur-babies out there in need of a good home and it's not their fault that they are homeless.  All they want is to be loved.  I can promise you they'll offer nothing but plenty of love in return!
6.) I really think that William is the most perfect cat in the world!
7.) I hate cleaning the bathroom and kitchen.  Enough said.
8.) One of my biggest pet-peeves is helping others in their kitchen, or others helping me in my kitchen.  I think there are too many "cooks in the kitchen."  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the help, but I can do it much quicker on my own because I don't have to stop what I'm doing.
9.) I drink a lot of bottled water.  The tap water here in Texas is disgusting, and I refuse to even put it in the water bowl for Willie & Cappy!
10.) I could probably eat pizza every single day.  
11.)  To this day, I am still a "Daddy's girl."  Everything in the world is made alright by talking to my Daddy. 
12.) Probably too much information, but I cannot go number two (yes, I'm talking about poop) in a public bathroom.  And, I cannot go without knowing that I have baby wipes to wipe with.  Call me crazy, but I like knowing that my bottom is clean! :-)
13.) I love purse-shopping.  Most of you already know this, though.  I have done particularly good at not purchasing any recently.  
14.) According to my brother, I'm not an interesting person.  Thanks, Chase!
15.) I am just a little spoiled.  No need to elaborate.
16.) I love my Honda Accord.  It is the BEST car in the world - where else can you get reliability and style?!
17.) I am a world-class complainer and should have a Ph.D in bitching.  
18.) I love the color pink and anything girly.
19.) I enjoy cooking, which is something I never thought I'd enjoy.
20.) The possibility of going back to nursing school excites me, but at the same time it scares the crap out of me.
21.) I could easily wear flip flops everyday.  Thank goodness I live in a warmer climate than central Illinois.
22.) I cannot find good Mexican food here in Texas, I know that it shouldn't be that difficult, seeing as it is the capital of Mexico. But it really is.
23.) I spend entirely too much time on Facebook.  I'm sure once I have a job things will change.
24.) I'm thankful to have had the opportunity to work at a place like Prairie Eye Center, where your co-workers really are like family.  I know that if I ever needed anything at all, even being 1000 miles away, they would be there for me.
25.) I truly believe that Cappy, although he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, would protect me if it were necessary.  :-)


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