The Drive...

My mom flew into Houston on the 18th, so that we could leave bright and early on the 19th - we had the truck all packed up and almost ready to go.  But, things never go as planned for the Coffmans...

Thursday night, as I was trying to fall asleep, I heard Charleigh in her room talking.  Chad told me to ignore her, but my Mommy sense told me otherwise, and it's a good thing I listened to my gut.  I went into her room and found her attempting to clean up barf on her bed.  We got her cleaned up, and Chad went to lay with her while I attempted to go back to sleep.  Next thing I knew, they were walking back into our bedroom since she's thrown up all over her bed, again.  

We spent the entire night up with her while she screamed and writhed in pain while throwing up.  It was a dreadful night.  She quit vomitting around 330 am, so we decided to potentially hold off the drive until the afternoon and go only to Texarkana.  The normally 5 hour drive took about 7 and we had issues upon checking into our hotel.

It took almost an hour to actually get into our room since the hotel had only two luggage carts and both were taken by a large party just before our arrival.  Once we got into the room, it was practically 80 degrees, so it took awhile to cool off - and we found out that Chad hadWe all passed out and went to bed early, and every one of us slept like logs.

Saturday morning we woke up around 7am, ready to hit the road - or so we thought.  I made my way to the bathroom, and let's just say it didn't go well - there was absolutely no way I was going to get into my truck and drive any distance whatsoever.  My mom called her brother, thinking we could attempt to make it to his house in Bella Vista.  He made some suggestions as to ways to help me feel better and suggested that it was only my anxiety getting the best of me.  After I woke up from my nap, I returned to the bathroom where I ended up getting sick.  I had my mom run down to see if we could extend our reservation another day, and it's a good thing I did - a few hours later I heard my mom in the bathroom, sick.  The two of us spent the majority of the day in bed, and we both felt awful for the twins - who spent the majority of the day in their pack & play.

The next morning we both felt better, but I still wasn't a hundred percent about spending the day in the car.  My "mommy-sense" was again correct as a few hours into the drive Charleigh got so worked up that she threw up all over herself.  From there on out, it was hit or miss with her, and eventually it was crystal clear.  Charleigh threw up all of her stomach contents all over herself and her car seat.   There was a common denominator in all of this though, she kept asking to go home which I told her wasn't home anymore; and every time she'd work herself up and throw up.  Twelve hours later we arrived back in Illinois.  After pizza & birthday presents we all made our way to bed around 10pm, we hate that we didn't get to truly celebrate Charleigh's birthday but that's the way the cookie crumbled this year.

Talk about a shitty 3rd birthday for my princess, at least it's one we'll never forget.  


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