2013: Year in Review
Twenty thirteen was full of ups and downs, so Chad and I were very happy to see the door close on the year. Yes, there were some pretty spectacular moments, but the majority of them sucked.
January ---
We decided we were ready to start the fertility treatments, but my body had different plans. My estrogen level steadily increased, as did the size of the ovarian cysts. We made the decision, based on my impatience, to schedule a cyst aspiration so that we could get this show on the road.
February ---
Mom flew in the night before my surgery to help out for a bit. It's a good thing that she did because Chad's company wasn't very supportive of the situation. Surgery went well, and mom and I even had the opportunity to do some shopping before she left. I was given the all clear to start Stims for our IUI cycle. Our anniversary was a day before our first insemination so we considered this a good sign. Unfortunately, the IUI wasn't as easy as I'd hoped but I survived.
March ---
I woke up bleeding three days before my beta. IUI #1 was an epic fail. Chad parted ways with PCI after 10 years, so everything was turned upside down. We made the decision to move our Disney trip up to the beginning of April so that we didn't have it causing any issues with Chad finding a job. We took a break from fertility treatments to focus on ourselves. My father-in-law drove down to help out in the event that we needed to put our house on the market. Probably the most difficult part of this month was having one vehicle. Lordy, white girl problems...
April ---
We started the month in our favorite place - Disney World! We spent one night at the Ritz prior to checking into Animal King Lodge. While the parks were uber crowded, we made the most of our trip - enjoyed our afternoons at the pool with cocktails, and cleaned up to head to the parks for dinner. This trip we discovered a few new favorites, and we eagerly await our next trip. Chad received two job offers while on vacation, and accepted one of them the day we returned home. Unfortunately, the vehicle we'd purchased for him turned out to be a bust. Towards the end of the month, we resumed our IUI protocol with big hopes.
May ---
Once again, IUI #2 was a bust but we moved forward on making IUI #3 work. For some reason the failure of the second cycle didn't effect us as much as the last one. We tried taking better care of ourselves and becoming happier. The failure of IUI #3 hit us hard again. We knew we were done and would be moving on to ivf soon.
June ---
We waited for my Lupron to be delivered so that I could start the down-regulating for ivf, though we didn't expect the wait to be so long. I went to work with Chad on Saturday's and enjoyed looking at new homes.
July ---
We were still waiting for my injection to arrive. Had an uneventful 4th of July, and just took a break from everything.
August ---
Finally started my Lupron injection and ordered nearly $10000 worth of meds for ivf. With bigger and better things in the horizon, Chad resigned from MHI. This was tricky because we were keeping this a secret from many people. Towards the end of the month my MIL, FIL and SIL came to stay with us for a bit. I started my Stims for ivf, so I was pretty tired and grumpy. Thankfully, everybody understood.
September ---
My every other day appointments started back up again, and Chad started his new job at Jamail & Smith. I responded well to my injections and mom flew in to help out after my surgery and transfer. We adopted another kitty, James Bond, a one-eyed partially blind Siamese. I don't think Chad was overly excited by that, but he got over it. The day of my retrieval Chad had meetings, so he rushed in to make his deposit and rushed off to work. I was a bit disappointed when I awoke and found out they'd only gotten 10 eggs, I was pleased the next day however, when they told me that 9 had fertilized. This meant we were doing a 5 day transfer, which has the highest success rates. Dr Williams came in for my transfer and we were amazed that all 9 of our fertilized eggs were developing - apparently that's a rare occurrence. We transferred 2 and put the remaing 7 in the freezer. Imagine my surprise when I got a faint positive 5 days later!!!! Chad also traced in his Avalanche for a F150, a purchase I was totally against, but am now loving.
October ---
I took the day of my beta off, even though I just knew the answer. It worked!!! Now I had to wait for my levels to hit a certain point before they could of an ultrasound to tell me how many babies we had. Morning sickness hit hard this month and I began taking Zofran to manage. We went to a big Halloween party with Chad's boss and just kind of enjoyed knowing that we were finally going to be parents!
November ---
Appointments continued to go well, and I eventually got dropped down to once a week. I had my bi-weekly appointments with Dr Heaps, and found out he was leaving the practice. We also adopted another kitten, Penelope Ursula (Penny). Chad had no intention of keeping her, but he fell in love. We had a fun trip to the pet ER with her, but all ended up okay. Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing.
December ---
Officially released from the RE. That was a sad moment. On the 2nd we went in for nuchal testing and were told that baby looks like a girl. Anatomy scan isn't until January so we are holding off on any big purchases until then. We both worked all of Christmas, but we survived. Chad's parents came to visit for New Years and we had a lovely dinner at Perry's. I've had multiple episodes of light-headedness and dizziness which has put me on bed rest a few times.
January ---
We decided we were ready to start the fertility treatments, but my body had different plans. My estrogen level steadily increased, as did the size of the ovarian cysts. We made the decision, based on my impatience, to schedule a cyst aspiration so that we could get this show on the road.
February ---
Mom flew in the night before my surgery to help out for a bit. It's a good thing that she did because Chad's company wasn't very supportive of the situation. Surgery went well, and mom and I even had the opportunity to do some shopping before she left. I was given the all clear to start Stims for our IUI cycle. Our anniversary was a day before our first insemination so we considered this a good sign. Unfortunately, the IUI wasn't as easy as I'd hoped but I survived.
March ---
I woke up bleeding three days before my beta. IUI #1 was an epic fail. Chad parted ways with PCI after 10 years, so everything was turned upside down. We made the decision to move our Disney trip up to the beginning of April so that we didn't have it causing any issues with Chad finding a job. We took a break from fertility treatments to focus on ourselves. My father-in-law drove down to help out in the event that we needed to put our house on the market. Probably the most difficult part of this month was having one vehicle. Lordy, white girl problems...
April ---
We started the month in our favorite place - Disney World! We spent one night at the Ritz prior to checking into Animal King Lodge. While the parks were uber crowded, we made the most of our trip - enjoyed our afternoons at the pool with cocktails, and cleaned up to head to the parks for dinner. This trip we discovered a few new favorites, and we eagerly await our next trip. Chad received two job offers while on vacation, and accepted one of them the day we returned home. Unfortunately, the vehicle we'd purchased for him turned out to be a bust. Towards the end of the month, we resumed our IUI protocol with big hopes.
May ---
Once again, IUI #2 was a bust but we moved forward on making IUI #3 work. For some reason the failure of the second cycle didn't effect us as much as the last one. We tried taking better care of ourselves and becoming happier. The failure of IUI #3 hit us hard again. We knew we were done and would be moving on to ivf soon.
June ---
We waited for my Lupron to be delivered so that I could start the down-regulating for ivf, though we didn't expect the wait to be so long. I went to work with Chad on Saturday's and enjoyed looking at new homes.
July ---
We were still waiting for my injection to arrive. Had an uneventful 4th of July, and just took a break from everything.
August ---
Finally started my Lupron injection and ordered nearly $10000 worth of meds for ivf. With bigger and better things in the horizon, Chad resigned from MHI. This was tricky because we were keeping this a secret from many people. Towards the end of the month my MIL, FIL and SIL came to stay with us for a bit. I started my Stims for ivf, so I was pretty tired and grumpy. Thankfully, everybody understood.
September ---
My every other day appointments started back up again, and Chad started his new job at Jamail & Smith. I responded well to my injections and mom flew in to help out after my surgery and transfer. We adopted another kitty, James Bond, a one-eyed partially blind Siamese. I don't think Chad was overly excited by that, but he got over it. The day of my retrieval Chad had meetings, so he rushed in to make his deposit and rushed off to work. I was a bit disappointed when I awoke and found out they'd only gotten 10 eggs, I was pleased the next day however, when they told me that 9 had fertilized. This meant we were doing a 5 day transfer, which has the highest success rates. Dr Williams came in for my transfer and we were amazed that all 9 of our fertilized eggs were developing - apparently that's a rare occurrence. We transferred 2 and put the remaing 7 in the freezer. Imagine my surprise when I got a faint positive 5 days later!!!! Chad also traced in his Avalanche for a F150, a purchase I was totally against, but am now loving.
October ---
I took the day of my beta off, even though I just knew the answer. It worked!!! Now I had to wait for my levels to hit a certain point before they could of an ultrasound to tell me how many babies we had. Morning sickness hit hard this month and I began taking Zofran to manage. We went to a big Halloween party with Chad's boss and just kind of enjoyed knowing that we were finally going to be parents!
November ---
Appointments continued to go well, and I eventually got dropped down to once a week. I had my bi-weekly appointments with Dr Heaps, and found out he was leaving the practice. We also adopted another kitten, Penelope Ursula (Penny). Chad had no intention of keeping her, but he fell in love. We had a fun trip to the pet ER with her, but all ended up okay. Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing.
December ---
Officially released from the RE. That was a sad moment. On the 2nd we went in for nuchal testing and were told that baby looks like a girl. Anatomy scan isn't until January so we are holding off on any big purchases until then. We both worked all of Christmas, but we survived. Chad's parents came to visit for New Years and we had a lovely dinner at Perry's. I've had multiple episodes of light-headedness and dizziness which has put me on bed rest a few times.
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