Where oh where has the time gone?!

I cannot believe that it's almost mid-April already.  The past month and a half has just flown by!

I try to update the blog on a weekly basis, but our lives have been so crazy the past few weeks - I apologize to my devoted followers!

Although I was bitching about Chad being gone towards the end of February, I'm so thankful that he flew back to Illinois.  Less than two days after Chad got back, Poppy passed away.  It was very difficult because although I'd only known him for three years he was very much my grandfather, and it broke my heart to see how much Chad was hurting.  Pretty much as soon as I got the phone call, I started trying to figure everything out.  I got to work early so that I could let everybody know what was going on - and of course, the visitation was scheduled for the very next evening.  I rushed around trying to figure everything out, and the cost of flights were outrageous.  To make matters worse, the kennel was full and we were unable to find anybody to watch Cappy.  So, we ended up hitting the road that afternoon with both the boys in tow.  By the time we hit Little Rock (the half-way point) we were both exhausted and ready to go to bed - unfortunately, being the brain surgeon that I am, I booked the wrong hotel, which meant that we had to back-track to get to it.  Ugh!!! Thankfully, we made it to my parents house with time to spare and quickly got ready for the visitation.  (Did I mention that we had to stop at JC Penney's on our way out of Texas to find suitable clothing?)  Chad stayed with his parents and I stayed (along with the boys) at my parents.  It worked out well, for the most part.  My father came with me to the funeral services the next day so that I didn't have to be alone - I don't handle death very well, so it was great that he was able to be there  for me.  My parents definitely spoiled me while I was at home - we had some of my favorite meals and I got to spend some quality time with them (and Elijah) before heading back to everyday life here in Texas.  Although it was hard to leave, it made it much easier knowing that in two short weeks my parents would be coming to visit us. 
After we got home, I was very thankful for the extra day off that Tiffanee gave me, as there was so much to do around the house, and we had absolutely no groceries.  Much to my surprise, we had our mini-audit on my first day back (it was originally scheduled for two weeks after that).  Also, nobody really knew where I had been.  It was definitely nice to be able to spend some time in Illinois, because I was definitely getting homesick, but I must admit that I really missed work.
Two weeks later, my parents came to visit so I had the week off.  It was so exciting picking them up from the airport - I definitely cried when they came through the gates.  It's amazing how you get to miss people so much after just two short weeks. :-)  We had a great time, and ate A LOT of food!  I think we had Chick-fil-a for lunch everyday, in fact.  Mom and I got pedicures (hers looked much better than mine), we went shopping at the outlet mall, looked at cars and did a lot of cooking.  My mom was gracious enough to cook for us, so we have about ten individual frozen meals of some of my favorites.  :-)  Life is good....While they were here I also discovered my new favorite sandwich - The Three Napkin Po'Boy at Rouxpour.  OMG.  AMAZING!  (So good in fact, even my dad liked it!)  I cried wen I dropped them off at the airport, because I'm not sure when I will see them again.  That makes me sad :-(
We had a week off from entertaining where I got back into the swing of work and we also finished up the house.  The "Scientific Room" is finally complete, and it's so relieving to know that we don't have anything else to do with the house.  (I forgot to mention that I got a new comforter set for the guest room before my parents got here. And, I had a doctor's appointment that showed that I lost 7-8 pounds even with four days on the road, funeral food, and gorging with my parents. YAY me!)
The following week, Chad's parents and Teapot came to visit us.   We had a lovely dinner at Perry's, went to the Space Center (which I happen to think is highly over-rated), shopped, and fed our faces some more.  I had to work during this time frame, which was fine by me.  I tend to get antsy when I'm not at work, as you well know.  I think a good time was had by all.
It's nice to have things back to normal, though. I'm thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet of our home, although I'm absolutely exhausted.  I'm sure the past month hasn't helped my situation.  It's nice to finally be able to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. :-) 
I had big plans for today - a kid Chase grew up with actually lives in our town, and he was going to come over for Easter Dinner.  Of course, this girl ends up getting sick.  So typical.  I really don't know if there has been an Easter in the past ten years that I've not been "sick".  Boo.  It's probably my body's way of telling me to slow down, though, as I've been going full-speed lately.  I probably am in need of a break. 
Tomorrow is a big day at my office, as we have our DNV audit.  This is big-time, boys and girls.  I just hope that I feel good enough to survive it and not get overwhelmed by it. 
I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest, where I'm finding all sorts of new recipes that I cannot wait to make.  I have also been suffering from bad heartburn that now has me on prescription medication.  Yuck.  I'm really turning into an old person. :-(  As usual, I'm still reading a lot though I'm trying to be more active.  Chad & I purchased Just Dance 3 yesterday and had a blast playing it last night.  (Let me give you a word of advice, though...it's not the best game to play when you have something brewing in your chest.) We've also gone back to the car shopping ordeal, and think we have finally decided the right vehicle for us...we have come full circle, boys and girls...back to the Acura MDX for us.  I know that if I get something that's not a Honda product a few months or so down the road I'm going to be wishing that it was...and so we come back to the Acura MDX.  Although it's smaller than the Tahoe/Yukon and Pilot (which we LOVED, by the way), it has pretty much everything we want - and it drives like a car, which is important to me.  Now we just have to wait on the perfect financing....

That's about all the catching up that this girl has the energy for right now.  I hope you all have a great Easter and I promise to get back to my normal blogging routine soon. :-)  (And, I'll try to post some pictures soon, as well!)


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