The Little Diva

There is zero question in my mind that Charleigh us a product of both Chad and I.   If there was any question at all, it has been laid to rest.
I didn't sleep much last night.  Around 6'o'clock CJ stopped being a wiggle worm.  I worried about her all night long.  Last time I looked at the clock it was 410am, and my alarm hoes off around 445.  Amazingly enough, I fell asleep and slept through my alarm.  As you can imagine, I was definitely panicking.  I hauled ass getting ready and missed out on the Lucky Charms I'd been eagerly awaiting, but I did manage to stop at Starbucks for some liquid gold.  I figured there were two reasons for the liquid gold - me being exhausted and coffee always gets CJ moving.
The coffee did the trick, unfortunately she didn't want to move around much.  This left me concerned, but I was determined to wait until lunch time to call the doctors office.  Chad, however, didn't like that idea, especially since we have the SUA diagnosis.  I didn't want to be the paranoid, pregnant pain in the ass patient that the doctor dreads.  I gave in and spoke with the NP, who told me not to fret and to come into the office immediately.
Of course, my blood pressure was sky high.  She was definitely being lazy, and her heart rate was steady.  She had zero desire to move, however.  Guess where I got sent?  Yup, another few hours spent in L & D.  Thankfully, I got to go to the correct hospital this time.  This was a MUCH better experience.  They hooked me up to the monitors and CJ loudly protested.  Typical...  After an hour or so on monitors (in my private room) I was escorted to US where they ran a biophysical profile and sent me back to good old room 307.  As I returned to the floor, they told me that I needed to provide them with a urine sample since there was protein in my urine at the doctors office.  Le sigh...
Thankfully everything looked good and they discharged me before they got the lab results back.  I'm terrified that I will be diagnosed with preeclampsia especially considering my high BP, the fact that I've already gained 2 pounds since Wednesday, and I've been having headaches.  Oh well.  I am trying not to get too upset or worked up by this.  The good news, though, is that I'm now officially pre-registered! :-)
Hopefully, I don't go back to the hospital until Friday for my appointment with the high-risk doctor.  And, hopefully, I stay out of the hospital for at least another 7 weeks!!!


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