One Down, Two to Go...

The first trimester is (thankfully) officially over!  It seems like just yesterday we were preparing all the medications.  It really is amazing how time flies.

Pregnancy Highlights:

How far along: 13 weeks, 5 days. :-)

Size of baby: Lemon, about 1.5 oz

Total weight gain/loss: Unsure, it's not something I'm really watching.

Maternity Clothes: Yes and no.  I have moments where I legitimately look pregnant, but I'm more to the point that I just look fat.  :-(

Gender: Girl! :-).

Movements: CJ is the most active little girl.  During my Nuchal scan she wouldn't stay still, until she got the hiccups.  I swear that I can feel her moving around in there...maybe I'm just overly in tune with my body.

Sleep: I bought a Boppy pregnancy pillow for me and its helped out a great deal as far as keeping comfy at night.  Whew!

What I miss: my glass of wine, though I did have one last night for my birthday celebration.  (More on that later)

Cravings: cookies, fish & chips, poor boys (only made by my mom, though), moms homemade fudge, bread

Symptoms: the heartburn is definitely hitting me hard.  One would think with my history I'd be used to it, but I'm not.  I cant eat a lot at one time, CJ doesn't like it when I do.  Stinker!!!


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